Mall Daze

Being born when I was, growing up where I did, and the fads and trends at the time of my youth means that I am beyond well versed in Mall Life.  Regency, WestGate, Mayfair, Southridge, and let us never forget the Twin/Lone Pines Mall either.  And for those who miss the Twin/Lone Pines reference, I implore you to watch Back to the Future.  ASAP!  We lived the mall.  Walked the mall.  Had entire relationships with people at a mall and it was just in that mall and place.  It was it’s own unique thing, said and held in slight reverence, The MALL!

I am a F@&$*ng amateur compared to malls in Bangkok.  We have Central in Rama 2.  Icon Siam.  Siam Paragon.  Centralw0rld.  Those are the ones we’ve seen and experienced.  There are, easily, 20-25 malls that we’ve not even heard about yet.  Malls we pass going to other malls.  Malls on the other side of Bangkok and not worth the time to drive to since it would take an hour each way (Yes, the city is that large).  And they are each a template for a mall in BKK and yet each is unique.

The Template seems to be that all malls are a complete ecosystem.  What do you need and want to do?

Eat… Check.

Haircut…. Yup.

Dentist… OK, sure.

Computer gear for gaming or life… 4th Floor.

Books… Got those.

Makeup, nails, and fashion…. YOU KNOW IT!

But what about my banking, picking up an antibiotic, grocery shopping, and I’d like to go bowling and see a movie as well.  

Good thing there’s the mall.  And why not get a coffee and workout while you are there and having such a good time.  And upgrade your cell plan.

There are also, completely new rules as well.  Shopping carts…. Grab one from the grocery store, walk around the mall with it.  Get a printer, shoes, clothing, whatever.  Pile it into the cart.  Go to the store and get groceries.  Put all in car. Return cart.  Fin!

I mall.  I grew up malling.  I have mall in my blood… In my very DNA.  And I’m a rookie.  An Amateur.  A frickin Newb!  Bangkok Malls ain’t to be funked with!

However, Tops, the grocery store we use, is in Central Rama 2 and is walking distance to us.  So, it’s where I’ve been shopping in this last half year.  First, post quarantine as the world here was closed and very locked down, we could still get to the store.  It was cautious.  Spaced.  Limited, but I could go on a Tuesday at 10am.  It was rare that I had to wait due to capacity.  Then, things started to open, but Tops changed.  Opened up a little.  Moved a few things.  Put in some aisle breaks.  Got used to that and worked with it.  Then, Tops changed again.  A whole new Tops.  With more to come.  

That is when I met the manager.  Randomly a few Sundays ago, I was at Tops since the mall was closed and I just needed proteins and cheese and dairy, so I was cruising solo for speed.  Walking in and having the store be completely changed and new (again) was a bit disorientating.  However, I was approached by a gentleman.  He offered me his card and asked if I shopped often.  We chatted and he proudly presented the store to me.  And talked a bit of the other changes coming and that the Tops he was running would be a “template” or “test” store for items, products, ideas, layouts, etc.  And his English was good.  Very good.  And he runs a fabulous store.  I don’t have the card with me, sorry to say, so I can’t name this man and give props, but if he (or if you know him and are reading this) ever reads this, I want it stated that I was impressed and he runs a fabulous store with a staff that is friendly, happy, and helpful.  It is, I have to say, my second favorite shopping experience.  I’d say first, but my old acquaintance John Cappel, ran a store that was a machine.  Just top to bottom well run.  John could just foster the talents of the people below him and the trust to not micromanage, even when I had to deal with assistant managers or when I used his freezers, etc (This was when I was with the Boats) and the staff, no matter the time, day, questions, etc, could answer and I knew John would give the same answer and if I asked the shift lead for the night shift and the shift lead for the next morning, everyone was in the know and would have the same answers.  Tops, here, reminds me of that and in meeting the manager, I would say that besides that language barrier (there is still one, regardless of how good his English is) the Tops here is run the same way.  

It makes for a trusting and easy experience.  And with such a huge life transition, we are grateful to have a grocery store that we know we can trust in.  So, again, if he reads this or if you know the man, tell him thanks and keep up the fabulous work.

In completely unrelated news, Kiddo is HYPED for the Chinese New Year upcoming.  We, two years ago (literally weeks before lockdown for Covid… The first time. Alpha Covid) went shopping and saw one of the big dragons that are part of the parades and celebrations.  

And Kiddo LOVED it.  Well, between Rya (Watch it if you haven’t, it’s solidly good) and that experience, she is ready for the Chinese New Year and Dragon Parade.  So much so that we are decorating for it and needed to draw to get ready.  As you can see, the dragons are all about celebrating.  And she’s pretty cute in “Mumma’s Hat!”  Oh, and relating back to yesterday, she's always kinda cooked with me.  This is one of my favorite pics and the b&w really sets it off.  

It’s Sunday.  It’s getting near lunch time.  Let’s go, Kiddo… Time to go to the market and see what we can get and do you want any fruit?


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