Good Hair Day
Dad life is happy life. Dad life is a hard life. Dad life is just something that you need to roll with and do the best you can, especially when the dad is a 40 year old and the kid is a little girl. But it’s fun…. And exhausting. Especially with the feral Tasmanian devil (in the Loony Toons sense) that is the Kiddo!
I will pat myself on the back though. I’m getting much better at hair. And I’ve had long hair in past (I’ll dig for pics later), but for the better part of 25 years (my adult life, that is) I’ve had receding and balding hair. I look at my lil bro, The Grub, and I’m glad I accepted my monk spot and receding hair young and just started shaving. Especially between Dollar Shave Club and then a safety razor where I can get a year of blades for $10ish. It’s been a learning curve, for sure, but I think that I’m getting not bad. Maybe one of these days I’ll try my hands at a braid of sorts. All I know is that I miss Miss Mabel and wish I could learn those hair skills. Mabel was a hair braid whisperer!
Otherwise, I’ve mentioned in previous blogs (see Wordpress blog if available) about Kiddo and her language and hello in Thai. Sawadee Ka. Finally got a small one on vid. Normally, when she is really in it, it’s a full on event, but you get the idea here. She’s just so her. Oh, and we did a whole mall thing this day. Shopping at three stores, a lunch, and groceries. This was her on normal. It got faster and more excited from here. When I say exhausting, I mean it. When I say she is a whirling dervish of energy and excitement… I mean it.
As you can see, she was LOVING the decorations. Bronty was as well. So much so, when we got home, we needed to explain to the other Dino friends what Chinese New Year is, what the mall looked like, why red is important color, why it’s a tiger this year… And then the lion guard and savannah friends got involved. Before that, however, she needed to try on her New Year Dress. Yeah, I melted too!
We did get to the pool however. This is the view on a 90 degree (32 degrees) day in late January from the 9th floor roof pool. So, that’s pretty awesome. Also, we LIVE in the city. Sure, we are a ways from the city center or major districts, but not far out. Not Boonies. Not even like Staten Island to Manhattan. More like the far side of Queens. Not the east side of Queens, just the far side of Queens, if that makes sense. So, we can get to these places and buildings, but you start really thinking about the space and distance and we’re considered part of it, not a suburb of, and it really hits you HOW big this city is. And then you take into account that something like 80% of Thailand’s population lives here and WOW!
I woke this morning at 06:24. J was showering and getting teacher ready. I had woken, but was laying about. Snoozing. A knock from little fists. Ok, ok. Here comes Dada. The first ten minutes were spent laying about on the living room floor talking about dreams and sleeps and day plans and 4 year old stuff. But I need coffee. I can’t wait until she can MAKE coffee. That’ll be a revelation. So, I get her on the iPad for apps and books and read to me time. She was in the middle of an important (and 5th grade reading level) book on first responders. She needed to learn so she can be a better Dr. Fix It Up. She also wanted cereal.
J comes out and kisses and hugs and loves all around. Time for teaching and J is out the door.
Suddenly, about 15 minutes later (7:20ish, so I’ve been awake for an hour and had one cup of coffee)….
Dada! I’ve got an idea. Do you think Waffle Lady is at the market?
I don’t know, Kiddo. I’m going later this morning. I’ll check.
BERIGHTBACK!!!!!! <Runs off at full Kiddo Speed>
I figure she needs to tell the friends or consult with Poley or something….
Comes back full dressed, shoes on and all. LET’S GO and FIND OUT!
And here she is, living her best Waffle breakfast life.
I know, sometimes it’s rough, living right across the street from an open air market. Let’s go, Kiddo, that waffle isn’t gonna eat itself. :)