Cross Referencing a Cross Reference
J and I just finished watching Better Call Saul and if you’ve not seen it yet, but are a fan of Breaking Bad trust us and do yourself a favor and watch it. On Netflix. You can thank me when you watch it and get up to speed. The final 13 episodes release to AMC in April and July (6 ep and 7 ep split) and then August and September on Netflix…. I think. That’s not the point, though. The point is that we were just hanging out and talking. J said something that really rung with me. “If I’m never going to be comfortable anywhere, I might as well be uncomfortable everywhere. What I mean is, I’m always going to miss something, so why not experience everything.” To that, since we will always miss something somewhere, why not just experience everywhere. We’ll always miss Wilson’s coffee or want Mike N Angleo’s Pizza. La Brisas Tacos. Beach or Mountain Access. The SLO life. A lot of things. We will always miss o...