Numbers don't lie
I need to update yesterday’s post.
The music and our listening need to be updated.
I was able to harvest some data from my phone, but that includes my Spotify stats, so some of it was extrapolating the data to the best of my ability and trusting in the numbers and my math a bit.
Firstly, Kiddo is the listener of the year. Her genre rundown is interesting and I love that our kid has taste like this. She ain’t kid rocking, she’s full on music listening. Modern and Alt rock, Pop and Pop rap. The whatever vapor soul is. But, at 76,000 minutes, she’s our top Spotify listener.
I’m next at 60,000 minutes.
J comes in at 35,000 minutes. However, when she’s home, it’s usually Kiddo or myself DJing, so she doesn’t really log that time much.
Here’s where things get off. iTunes collects and stores listen and play data in different ways. I needed to dig in iTunes on CPU, on Phone, on J’s phone (she uses it for Trance and some other little stuff as well) and also on the AppleTV which we use to stream music in the house sometimes.
I also Podcast, so that is a listen as well. Usually, I use Overcast (and if you podcast, I can’t recommend this platform enough, so much so that even though it’s free, I pay. Yes, it’s THAT worth it) but a few things I need to listen to on the Spotify platform for music rights issues (60 Songs from the 90’s pod, if you wonder) so I’ve collected that Data as well.
Note; These are estimates based on available info.
We are at 171,000 minutes, just on our collected Spotify data. That’s roughly 120 days of music.
J’s iTunes data for the year (as best as I could collect) is 21,000 minutes (rounding), so lets round and call that two weeks. 14 days.
Overcast and podcasts for me - 75,000 minutes. Let’s round that to 50 days.
Then my iTunes, removing data from Spotify, podcasts, affording for errors in random streaming for a trailer or short video or a kiddo video or something like that, I tossed out 3000 minutes (about 2 days) worth of data as a hedge against error. That, to the best I can figure, leaves us (and myself, since I’m listening to iTunes and a trance album writing this post) with 88,000 minutes, or another 60 days.
So, let’s take that 120 days, plus the 60 days of iTunes and the 50 days of podcasting…. 244 days out of 365. 2/3rds of the year. If my mental math is correct that should be (using my baseball and batting average math) should be… 64%?!?! I should long hand or just calculator that, but J always tells me that she finds it hilarious that myself, my bro, and my father can all do stuff like this in our heads. I’m sure I’ll check the math later or someone else will check me on it. I’d bet that I’m +/- 2%.
I have to say, that is an absolutely HUGE number.
We are a music family. We all love it. Even last night, Kiddo was singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas, but she has a cold and allergies, so instead of a Happy New Year, she sang Hacky New Year and then cleared her throat loudly. It was cute and hilarious. And I do the same. J laughs sometimes. Shrugs others. But generally speaking, she loves when I make up songs or lyrics to go with songs. One of my exes HATED it, but thankfully, I have J and Kiddo and they love it… And in Kiddo’s case, she DOES it.
Sorry if the post is dry and randomly mathy, but hey, it’s who I am and who we are. If y’all want a music or podcast rec, I’d say you can ask… it seems betwixt the three of us, we can get you an answer.
One last piece of housekeeping:
Starting 09 January 2023 (after Giftmas break) I will be blogging less. I’ve been working on a project and when the girls go back to school (could start now, but then in two weeks, I’ll have then for 3 weeks and it’s easy to start after the fact) I will move into stage 2 of that project. That will mean less time for this, as M-F I will be focusing and working on things. But, the nice part of the blog refocus is that I can pic dump and move on, maybe catching up with posts being a bit longer on Weekends. So, just wanted to let everyone who reads this far that things will be tweaked a bit. And depending on the visit from Doc J and Mr E, there might be some mega posts or large pic posts that will be caught up on.
Let’s go, Kiddo… It’s time to have a hacky New Year. LOL