
Showing posts from October, 2023

Scary busy

It’s been a busy few days and they are only going to get busier in the next few.  Halloween is coming and Kiddo is super excited for it.  She will be dressing as a pharaoh.  J and I had a busy weekend, though, since we had to plan and scramble for Tuesday ourselves. See, J won’t be here for Halloween this year.  She will be in Kuala Lumpur interviewing for a job.  A very good job.  That they are flying her in for.  This is big league stuff.  So, as I went full dad mode this weekend, J coordinated her trip and flight with the school, got an interview outfit and planned what to accessorize it with, she did have her Masters work to do and an assignment to finish, plus lesson and sub plans for the week and days she’s gone, plus she wanted to burn off some energy with a climb. J is leaving on Tuesday and back on Wednesday.  That means I have a single dad day in there.  However, we can usually dupe Kiddo as J will take her around the build...

Pumpkin Season... again

Fun fact of the day…. Every team that has beaten the Brewers in the playoffs has gone on to the World Series.  You can double check that if you want, but they’ve made it 9 times to the playoffs now and except for 1982 when they went to the World Series, the other 8 times they have lost in the playoffs, they have lost to the team that went on to reach the World Series.   With the Arizona D-Backs winning today in Philly, the streak stays alive.  They play Cinderella maker, forever being the pumpkin.  :(   To cheer myself up I needed a bit of Kiddo.  Nothing like an upside down Go Brewers sign from Quarantine to do the trick.   Other than that, J has been interviewing and she’s getting good traction and lots of opportunities.  We usually spend 25-35 minutes nightly debriefing on that and staying up to date and on the same team with it.  I also see other angles.  Where are the local markets and groceries, what ECAs and other extra cur...

Catching up on everything

Brief update on life and a few little things. The ladies are back in school today, leaving me to myself and after almost 2 weeks with them, it is a bit unusual having the quiet and no Kiddo energy in the house.  It is odd, however, not having them around after the break.  On the flip side of that, it’s nice having quiet in the house. The quiet was broken when maintenance showed up to clean and refresh the AC units in the condo.  That’s part of why I’m blogging this morning.  It is always easier to clear out when maintenance and engineering come and do work.  They are loud and usually moving about to clean this, check that, rinse and dry things, blah blah blah.  Three guys, two ladders, a shop vac, and a small (yet professional) air compressor.  They also had two canisters that were in Thai, but from the looks, I’d assume it’s freon or some type of coolant for the AC system.  So, yeah… I bailed.  Leave them to doing what they do.  Aft...

Days of Play

It’s been a wild weekend. J had an International Teacher Job Fair and that was great.  She got a lot of good contacts and touched base with some good schools.  Some of the schools, J found out, don’t take walk up applicants and are by invite only.  J was invited to apply to a number of these jobs.  Super impressive and I can’t tell you how proud I am of her and her passion for teaching.  I think it shows.  Also, her reputation and letters of rec proceed her and those speak volumes as well. The one bad part was that she was told that applying to Vietnamese schools (HCM is our top choice city right now) will be impossible for her, unless she has a Masters Degree or some very specific certs and qualifications.  Since she doesn’t have those (Masters in progress), that looks like it will have to wait until we look for our next job.   As for Kiddo… Between all of that, we’ve been having some fun with her.  J took her to the roof the other day...

Vacay to Staycay!

No China for us this break, but that doesn’t mean no fun.  We tried, at the airport, to get a flight to HCMC or KL or even just staying in Thailand and seeing Phuket or getting to some of the northern areas, but we are going to do that in February, so it was a lower priority.  We couldn’t get that figured out in time to make a flight or the other option was to sit and wait on 19:00ish flights, but sitting in an airport for 8+ hours was not appealing and landing 21-22:00 and trying to figure out accommodations for a short trip was not something we wanted to tackle.  We figured we could have some fun at home then.  Take the Staycation mindset and just have some fun.  Monday, I was pretty burnt out from the back and forth to the airport, plus the disappointment of the missed trip.  I figured we’d be spending the day walking around SZ and seeing it, so to not have that left me feeling stiff and tense.  So, J suggested that I get a massage and she and Kid...