Scary busy
It’s been a busy few days and they are only going to get busier in the next few. Halloween is coming and Kiddo is super excited for it. She will be dressing as a pharaoh. J and I had a busy weekend, though, since we had to plan and scramble for Tuesday ourselves. See, J won’t be here for Halloween this year. She will be in Kuala Lumpur interviewing for a job. A very good job. That they are flying her in for. This is big league stuff. So, as I went full dad mode this weekend, J coordinated her trip and flight with the school, got an interview outfit and planned what to accessorize it with, she did have her Masters work to do and an assignment to finish, plus lesson and sub plans for the week and days she’s gone, plus she wanted to burn off some energy with a climb. J is leaving on Tuesday and back on Wednesday. That means I have a single dad day in there. However, we can usually dupe Kiddo as J will take her around the build...