Going green

I resolved the tech issues and I’ve posted a bit, but for the most part I’ve been pretty quiet.  We’ve been busy, but now that we are in Zihua and we are at our own pace, I have a bit more time.  I could have made time before, but we were always on someone else’s clock.  Not that we didn’t enjoy it, but it was always, meeting this person or going to that place.  It was difficult to carve out time to really sit and write.

Now, however, we are back on OUR time.  We wake up in the morning and J or I wander down the street to the little cafe for coffee and then we have breakfast and plan the day.  Today, we needed to catch up on laundry and some admin tasks at home and since I’m less beachy than Kiddo and J, they went to the beach and I am tasking.  It’s nice to have a little time alone again.  To blog.  To write.  To listen to my music.  To fall back into my groove and get myself into the Shanghai mindset again; Kiddo at school, J working, and me tasking, doing, blogging, and all that.  

I’ve written on LA and SF and just a touch of GB, so I wanted to catch up on that a bit.  First, however, I need to go on a small harangue.  The new MacBook we got is great, fast, powerful, with much better sound, video/pic resolution, and battery life.  However, this trackpad will be the death of me.  It’s set up more like an iPad or iPhone.  Ya know what, Apple…. If I wanted to use a F&%$@*g iPad or iPhone, I would.  I’M ON A COMPUTER!!!!!!  LET IT ACT LIKE A F#@%+g COMPUTER!!!!!!!!  Drag and drop, multi-touch functions, even text prediction… Stop over thinking for me and let me think and work like I have on your machines for the last 30 years.  A side note to Apple, every new OS, new CPU, new blah blah blah pushes me closer and closer to just going to PC.  For the price and usability…. I’m just sayin.

GB was great and seeing Jesters, NPB, and Hen Hen the Mighty was a joy.  We did a ton, but also checked a few boxes.  On the “boring” side of things, we grilled hotdogs and steaks (we hadn’t had steak since leaving CA 3 years ago), and had a cold meat sandwich (again, something 3 years missing).  We got to go to Costco and load up and refresh things like Tums, Claritin, and new Neti pots.  Of course, no trip to WI would be complete without Culvers.  We had In N Out in CA, so it seemed only apropos to do the Midwestern staple as well.  We love them both in different ways, so I’m not even going to engage in the In N Out is better or Culver’s is the best, blah blah.  BOTH are magnificent and each have their place.  We are glad we got to do both.

In the more exciting news, Kiddo and J both got to take their first rollercoaster ride while in GB.  I’d say more about that, but I wasn’t there for it.  I was in Da Scene seeing my good friend EZ.  Before that, however, I got a chance to pop by to have lunch with one of my oldest friends, Jay.  Jay, if you can catch him at any of the art fairs in the area, has some really cool stuff.  Also, until we meet up, my brain completely forgot about his Poe comic book series.  It was a great time and great to see some of my oldest and closest friends.  Honestly, they are both more akin to brothers.  Other than that, I popped into Wilson's for a coffee and to get a few pounds to bring with us to enjoy as we settle into Shanghai.  

The day before I got to do that, however, we got down to Miller Park (I ain’t callin’ it AmFam) and Kiddo got to see her first MLB game and a nice win over the Nats that included a couple of homers and Bernie taking a few trips down the slide.  We also got to play a bit and thanks to Jesters, we got a family pic as well.  Honestly, I saw about 30 pitches and maybe 3 full At Bats, but it didn’t matter.  I wasn’t there for the game and seeing every play.  I was there for Kiddo and her first game.  Also, I think she likes ballpark dogs!  :P

Other than that, it was hanging out and just relaxing.  We had a fire one night.  Saw a sunset over the river.  Had a great view.  Stayed with family so that was a lot more comfortable than a hotel room or AirBnB.  Even my night in Da Scene was with EZ and that was also like staying with family (love and thanks to you Brother) and it was a bit slower than LA and SF were.  Of course Zihua is the pace we like, but that’s just us three and getting back into family mode.  

Kiddo did get some lessons from Uncle NPB on the Ukulele and that was beyond cool.

We also got to see LaLa while there and Jestres, J, and LaLa got to catch up and girl out again.  I posted a pic of LaLa on the socials that was bad, so let me make it up to her here with a good pic.  Thanks to her for coming to visit and we look forward to the next or seeing her in whatever city we are that she can make it to for a visit.

It’s been a wild summer so far.  Busy, but so fun.  We’ve gotten to reconnect with some of the people that we missed and see our family again (the family we have left at least) and just loved it all.  Even running through Mexico City’s airport, in retrospect, was an adventure.  We still have another two and a half weeks (2.5 weeks) until Shanghai and we can’t wait to dig into and see more and more of Zihua, but even if we never get more than a KM from where we are staying, there is still a ton to do and more tacos than we could have imagined.  

Let’s go, Kiddo…. We still have tacos to eat and we GOTTA find you a churro.  We’ve found a market for fruit and veg.  We found a grocer.  You are our beach leader and so much fun to watch as you explore and grow.  We love that you are willing and wanting to explore and adventure with us and we can’t wait for the next one, the one after that, and those to follow.  Let’s all see the world together, Kiddo, and lets keep making memories.  I love you.  Mumma loves you.  You are the best thing.


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