Just a few updates on life and everything.
Zihua is great, but I am still untangling a bunch of tech issues and whatnot from the upgrade. I finally got videos again, so I wanted to catch up on that. I will be posting more soon, on the first half a Zihua, but we did have some old vids of Kiddo from 04 July that I wanted to post since they are beyond cute.
Also, our good friend and constant reader Doc J posted a blurb about meeting us in SF while we were in The City. I've mentioned it and posted a pic earlier, but you can read her thoughts on it if you'd so like.
Other than that, today is catching up, doing some laundry, organizing, and planning for the second half and just being us. Cheers to all and if you haven't, check the socials (should be in the info area of this) or you can reach out to me for links, we have been posting lots of pics and the like. Also, J has her personal account, but the Let's Go Acct is the one that has the most up to date info and won't also get you teaching and other J info that may or may not be applicable to you and your life.
More to come, but for now.... Kiddo on the 4th!