Putting the pieces together

It’s Saturday here, but the girls have school today.  However, it is a 3-day weekend for them as it is the Autumn Festival here on Monday and Tuesday, so they have those days off and next week is only a 3 day week.  It’s a give and take, right?!?!

I took today off.  I know what you’re thinking… Everyday is a day off.  Somewhat true, but I do manage the house and that’s not always the easiest task as an expat.  Besides the language barriers, there are also the cultural barriers to contend with; then you can add to that the how, where, and why of expat life.  I can’t just run to Target if something is needed.  I gotta figure that out.  Then, there is Kiddo to and from school, meals, laundry, cleaning, et al.  It gets busy.  Trust me on that.

Also, this week has been busy for me.  On top of getting a Chinese phone set up with as many of the apps as I can think of, we also got our IKEA order delivered.  So, that means I’ve spent the week building stuff.  A bed, sofa, coffee and end table, shelving for kitchen items, TV/Entertainment area, some storage/shelving (for living area and Kiddo room both) and then there was a Costco run to get power strips/surge protectors and a fan, food stuffs, ziplock baggies, etc etc etc.  See what I mean it gets busy managing a house.  I have from 10:00-15:00 to complete those tasks.  Kiddo goes to school at 08:00, but stores don’t open until 10ish or I would need to contend with traffic and that increases cost of transport.  Costco, alone, takes about 3 hours there and back.  Those trips, naturally, will get shorter as we need less stuff and I can go in more targeted and not wondering with a master list crossing off as much as I can as I go up and down each aisle wondering if and how items will fit or work for our needs.  It gets long.

The start of the kitchen gear and area


Funky sofa

Love the rug

Finally... a TV

Blue Bed... love it!

So, today was lazy for me.  I only received packages to update our tech or get it connected, update our shower and make that more functional, organized the bedroom a bit, tackled some tech troubles and tried to find work arounds or solutions, and unboxed, cleaned, and did Mandarin to English translations of some of the new kitchen gear.  An easy day.

There’s still a ton of holes to fill, as we will need bedside tables and lamps (now that we know the footprint the bed takes) and make a shelf for us or an upright type dresser.  Under bed storage as well.  Another living room shelf.  A kitchen block for prep.  A kitchen table (replacing the huge thing we were given) is a possibility, some lamps for the living room.  A grill is on the list.  As is an outdoor type table for sitting as the weather gets better and maybe for fall or spring meals with the family.  Looks like I’ll be going back to IKEA.  Oh joy!!!!  

Tonight, though, we will head out and get noodles and soup for dinner.  The place is a pho place, but it’s a Chinese take on pho.  Pretty close, but not quite right.  It’s good, I’m not complaining, but it’s not Vietnam.  Then, we are going to look at getting me a new pair of shoes.  I moved with one pair of shoes and a pair of chuka boots (fall shoe wear for me) and that’s about it.  In the last 3 months, I’ve walked my Converse damned near smooth and flat.  It’s time for a refresh.  I’m hoping Adidas.  I wore those when J and I were first dating and I always liked the style.  We shall see.  Maybe J can find herself an outfit and start updating her wardrobe as well.  We are all very very Thai in our style and manner of dress and in the weeks to come that is going to start getting a bit chilly for us.  Seasons…. What a concept after the last three years.

We’re starting to get our footing here.  Figure it out.  Find what we need and like and making it a home and a homeplace.  It’s a nice feeling.  Kiddo has some friends, both at school and at the LQ, so she’s finding her niche as well.  It’s been a process, but it’s finally coming together.

Let’s go, Kiddo… long weekend followed by a short week.  It’ll be a weekend without a Costco or IKEA trip (finally) and we’re planning on doing more than just tasking.  We might even (now that we have a TV) have a family movie night and some fun.  Thanks for bearing with us as we figured it all out and thanks for being to coolest and best kid we know.  You haven’t been perfect, but you have been great.  Keep being you and being awesome.  There is no one else Mumma and I would rather adventure with.

A different sofa view

TV, just as it was getting set up.


jms said…
Love the color of the sofa and the complementary patterned rug!

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