A coating of cool
It’s been about 4 years since I’ve needed a winter coat. In SD, it was unneeded, I could get away with a hoodie or a light coat and hoodie. In BKK it was completely unneeded. Here, however, it’s starting to get cold. Yesterday the high was 15C (59F) and the wind was about 15-20mph and just cutting. The weather is changing and we are all getting a dose of it and used to it. For J and myself, it has been a while. For our Lil Thai Popsicle, she’s been freezing! We call her our little Thai Child. She loves the hot. She has a bunch of Thai gestures and mannerisms. She is also a bit spicy at times. So, when she’s freezing, she’s our little Thai Popsicle. The last time I had on a winter type of jacket or coat was the last time I visited WI in the winter. That’s 4-5 years ago now. I can’t really recall, it’s been so long. It’s really no matter. The point is that I now have a winter coat again....