That was uncool, now gimme a beat.
A week ago, on Monday, we woke and the fridge wasn’t very cold. Odd, but I would work the problem. Maybe a bunch of stuff was stuffed in the back and we weren’t getting good airflow. Maybe the temp got bumped up on accident. I had to get Kiddo breakfast, J was moving around and getting out the door ready and I needed some coffee. It wasn’t urgent. By Tuesday, out was obvious that the fridge was dead. Freezer was fine. The second cooling drawer area was fine, but the main cabinet was toast. I moved some things around and we made it work. Besides, the main cabinet is insulated, so I started playing a game of ice packs. See, we have about a dozen ice packs. About 4 would keep the main cabinet cool. We lost 1/3rd of a container of yogurt, a few eggs, and a serving of leftovers (man, that was my lunch) but other than that, I saved the brie and string cheeses and we ate cool apples for a few days.
We also got smacked at the edges of another typhoon. So, that wrecked some havoc as well…. And delayed the fridge swap out until Friday. Last week was an adventure. For more than one reason, but we will get there.
The week before, I got into town and saw a psychiatrist for my meds. Well, Adderall is a no go here. Not legal. Ritalin is hard to get and a lot of places or OOS (Out of Stock) on that. So, time for a med change and that’s always a challenge and a lot to deal with. I always take 2-3 days and kind of clear it so I can really pay attention to affects and efficacy. Watch for side effects. Things like that. I was put on Concerta XR. Nice part is that it’s an Extended Release. No more ups and downs, remembering pills at lunch if we are out, or needing to break away mid meal prep to medicate. One tab and I’m good all day. The side effects are minimal as of now. Nothing to report. I’m not jittery or jumpy. I can sleep. No rash or skin issues. I feel clear and J reports the same. Seems like it’s working.
The bad news is that it is HYPER controlled here. I can get 14 pills at a time. No more.
This means that every 2 weeks I will need to get into town to see the doc and refill meds. It’s not that big of a deal and I won’t have to pay for the doc…. Well, I will, but it’s $1.50 in USD for a “refill consult”. The med is then about $15. Any American reading this will probably nod and think… Yup, that’s about my co-pay. It’s kind of a wash. Also, the time there and back is no biggie either. I can use the train. The stop is in the B1 level of the building I go for the appointment and fill. That’s a 50 cent ride. A buck round trip. It only takes 33 min there and back. If I just went and back for med, it would take about 75-90 minutes. Again, most Americans I know would look at that and say something along the lines of; Yup, I usually plan on pharmacy trips taking about 90 minutes to get there and back.
Only, there’s a catch. I’m getting into the heart of the city. Mid week. Alone. I can pack the computer and blog. I can bring a book. I can find a cafe, noodle shop, dumpling place, etc etc. I can spend some me time and just have two days a month to me. That’s, actually, pretty cool. Something to look forward to doing and it’s not like the cost is overbearing. I call it a win.
Speaking of winning, Kiddo had Sports Day at school. She was part of the relay runners for her class. They won! Isn’t she cute!
The other adventure is Kiddo picked up a new hobby.
Yup, she’s learning the drums. It was her choice and why not. Gives her a chance to move and monkey about. Gives her a chance to learn music and beat/rhythm. Also, we don’t have her in a hardcore class or anything like that. It’s once a week. It’s fun. We are also looking into renting a digital drum set. Basically, it’s an electric kit that will feed into headphones. So, J and I will hear tap tap tap and Kiddo will hear Drum Drum Drum.
This last weekend, let’s say it was to celebrate the new fridge, we went out on Saturday for lunch. J (through school) got an invite to a “Newcomer’s Lunch” thing. The food was C+/B- level, but beer and cola was free. It was nice to go out and have a few drinks (6 oz pours of 4.2% beer) and some lunch. It was a bunch of Expats and we didn’t really click with anyone, but it gave us a chance to get out and gave Kiddo a chance to monkey more. That girl loves to climb.
Other than that, it’s just been life. We are learning and settling in. We are getting into the groove of things. I’m walking and learning the trains and neighborhoods around us. We are getting to know China, Shanghai, and how this all works. It is starting to feel like a home, not just a place I’m staying and learning. I have a bit of a feel for it, some swagger as I go out and know WTF I’m actually doing and where I’m going. Honestly, I would say it took us all about 8-9 months to feel this way in BKK. 2.5-3 months here. I’d say we are getting a feel for the expat life.
Let’s go, Kiddo…. A week of half days and I get to do the student/parent teacher conference with you this week. We get to hang out and have some half days together. This weekend, you and Mumma get to do the train with me and we’re taking you into the city proper. One of these days soon, you’ll have to do a blog video and take about the cool stuff. And maybe show off some of the Chinese that you are learning.