Walk with me

I don’t blog as much these days.  I’ll be the first to admit that.  It’s for a lot of reasons.  

First and foremost… I’m trying to focus more on Kiddo and the adventure and not on my thoughts on the world around us.  Three years ago, I would have been blogging daily about the failings and failures of AmeriKKKa, the election, etc etc.  I can’t any more.  That’s not what this is about.  It’s about us.  Kiddo.  The family and the adventure we are on.  The good times.  The funny stuff.  If The USA wants to be whatever it’s become; Well, we don’t live there.  We did our part.  Had our say.  Pay our taxes.  We’ve moved on.  So have I.  J and Kiddo (and those close friends of mine) know my thoughts or I will share those thoughts with them, but for here I’m keeping it to Kiddo and life.

The other part of it is that I, after three years in Bangkok, have a city to explore.  Not that I couldn’t explore BKK, but it was so damned hot.  Every day!  Also, we did have access to a train, but that was a 15-30 min cab ride; depending on the day.  Now, I have a 5ish min walk.  To a train that connects me (and us) to the whole of Shanghai (for the most part, of course) and the things we need.  When I don’t want to go the grocery that is close, I can go to Aldi’s for more “western” items…. On the train.  Costco…. Train.  Lunch…. Train.  My meds…. Train.  The zoo… Train.  Museums… You got it!

Also, with the temps being reasonable (summer was hot) even with it being cold now, I can head out and just walk.  I can see.  I can explore.  I took my therapist’s advice and just started walking around.  Even when I don’t have a destination in mind.  Just wander about.  See what there is to see.  Find the parks, shops, little eateries and cafes near-by and walk.  That was hard in BKK.  When the temps are dangerously hot all day, everyday, 361-363 days a year, it’s hard to just wander and explore.  When Sept hit and the temps got better, it was great to just go and walk.  I was doing 5km some days.  

Even today, as I walked Kiddo to school it was COLD!  1C (my watch told me 35F) and that’s cold.  But, I had gloves and a scarf, I wore my vest and my coat and so I went off and did the grocery this morning.  Why not.  Around 11 I was restless and waiting on laundry and the temps had gotten up to 10C (50F) and I needed to get a package from the community box, so I did the 1km loop first.  I like walking.  It helps my mental and physical states.  

Besides all that, Kiddo is busier also.  So, that takes more time and efforts.  She’s got an afterschool club, drums, friends and play dates, etc etc.  Besides that, I’m cooking more.  We don’t have Plurn Dee across the street.  Besides, we don’t want to live on take out.  So, that falls to me more.   J and this semester of her Grad Program was much, so I’ve had more to pick up therein.  I’m not complaining, but it fills the day a bit more.

As an added bonus it’s now into the Christmas Season.  That kept me busy also.  Needed to find a tree.  Need to do shopping.  Need to set up delivery and get the spin bike I got J for Xmas also.  Before anyone wonders…. She picked it out and knew about it.  She’s been on it for a week now.  I’m yet to jump on, but last week was busy about town and life and then I got a bit of a sniffle this weekend.  I’m hoping Wednesday to catch a ride.  So, it’s been a lot of little things.  Dad life.  Husband Life.  Life life.

Speaking of Xmas… Kiddo got some news.  Santa.  She knows now.  J and I sat her down and told her, but she had been asking questions and was wondering (last week) about Elfie and the Elf on the Shelf.  So, we broke it to her.  J was in the camp that she would melt and cry.  I was in the other camp.  I won that bet.  LOL

Kiddo took it well.  She didn’t act shocked or melt down.  Her first question wasn’t who’s Santa or where do presents come from it was, “But, then who wrote me the Elfie and Santa notes last year?”  When we told her it was the Beksters, she giggled.  She got the joke and the puckishness of it.  I told her that I still believe in Santa and the magic of Christmas, even though I know Santa isn’t real REAL.  She does as well.  She told me the other night when I was tucking her in that even if Santa isn’t real, there’s magic in the world if we believe in it enough.  

How did we get her?

Also, there's something about waking on a Saturday morning and coming out to find her on the sofa with the tree on, studying to be a vet.  I've mentioned before that she wants to be a vet and will get books and take notes and study for it.  This is her 07:30 on a Saturday morning, "having fun" and being bummed that I'm up so she can't be alone to study anymore.  Again, how did we get her???  LOL

The temps are turning colder and maybe that will nudge me to write more.  Besides, J is on break for about 6 weeks, so that gets less busy.  Also, the bulk on the shopping and holidaying is done until the holiday itself, so that should make me more time.  I’ll try to do better.

Let’s go, Kiddo…. We’ve got a week and a half until Xmas and then it’s New Years and then Chinese New Year and the big fun and big break.  Me and Mumma love you and can’t wait to see what and how you react to this years Xmas.  Next year will be even better, that much I can guarantee.  Keep being you, keep playin the drums and keep coming to hot pot with me and Mumma; Even if we eat the spicy side and get a not spicy side for you.  


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