What's up, Dog

Back to back days and why not.  Maybe it’s a Christmas miracle.  

I’ve gotten a few messages about the spin/stationary bike that we got, so I figured I’d take a minute and post that.  Back in CA and the Covid days, we had a Pelaton and we both liked that and used it often.  We didn’t have the space in BKK, so it wasn’t something on radar for us.  Here, however, we’ve got the space and both have the want.  Especially waking this morning and the temp was 0C (33F) and that isn’t very conducive to walking or exercising outside.  Also, in BKK J had the climbing gym and did that.  So, we (mostly she) wanted something to use for fitness.  So far she is happy with it and has enjoyed her rides.  It’s got a little clip on front that she can attach her Kindle into, so she’s been reading and riding.  

In other new stuff news, I’ve finally gotten myself some cold weather shoes.  The only downside to this is that I’ve been living in Converse or flip flops (thongs) for the last three plus years.  Wearing something as heavy as the Docs is a strange feeling, like wearing weights.  LOL. I complain, but I more kid.  It’s just an unusual weight and feeling after so many years in light shoes.  Then again, for the first time in three years, I’m wearing socks most days.  For those who don’t play along regularly, I spent three years in BKK without wearing socks, so a lot of new.  Of course, me being me, I needed to have some fun with the laces.

Speaking of fun, Kiddo makes fun (and friends) wherever she goes.  We went to do drum practice and had about 20 minutes to kill, so I hit up Da Bux for a coffee.  While I was ordering, Kiddo saw a dog and she loves dogs.  I mean, LOVES!  Everyday her and I walk to school and home again after pick up and I get, “Look.”  “Awwwww.”  “So cute.”  And a million other little Kiddoisms as we see dogs; to give perspective to this, a lot of people have dogs around here so we usually see a half dozen each way.

Anyway, we are at Da Bux and she sees a dog.  She asked if she could take the table right next to the person and dog so she could look at the dog up close.  I give her the go ahead on that as one table is as good as the next.  Kiddo goes over and I see her sit at the table and put her drum kit bag on the table.  They call my drink and I grab it, maybe 30 seconds, and I turn around to see her chatting with the woman and holding out her hand for the dog to sniff.  The woman gave me a wave and told me, “Child Ok ok with dog.”  I gave her a smile and an ok.  Kiddo spent the next 20 minutes chatting with the woman (about 75% in Chinese) and the dog.  She loved it.

Speaking of dogs, I know yesterday that I said I wouldn’t go on rants, but I’ve got one in me.  

I am watching Monday Night Football as I write this.  In the intro to the game, Snoop Dogg was part of the intro.  That’s cool with me, I’ve been a fan for 30+ years now.  Here’s my problem.

Most stats show that the younger gens (40 and under) are not advertised too on TV and broadcast, as they get their info/entertainment from online or alternative sources.  In fact, if you dig deeper into that, advertisers on network TV mainly focus on the 55+ age group for targeting their ads.  Here’s my problem.

I grew up listening to rap and artists like Snoop Dogg.  So so so many people who are now in that 55+ crowd call the man a “thug”, “criminal”, and/or “worthless gangbanger”.  They now laud the man and can’t get enough of him.   In fact, I could personally name 4 people who told me something similar to the above (with one person telling me that Snoop should be buried under the jail and forgotten about for life) who were just beyond delighted to see him commentating and part of the opening ceremonies for the last Olympics.

I’m not saying that people can’t change their minds, but 30 years ago when I said that there was more to Snoop than meets the eye and maybe to not judge the man so harshly, I was called a fool and told that he would “never be someone to look up to” only to have all those same people now look up to him and seemingly forget that he was a “gangster.”  

To take it one further, one of those people who was the most vocal in giving me grief in my fandom of Snoop and one of the loudest critics (in my life) about what a “worthless gangster” and “vile gangbanger” he is, now regularly posts videos of “The cute way Snoop dances.”  For the uninformed (and how can you be that uninformed in this day and age) the dance Snoop does in called the Crip Walk.  It is/was a custom and initiation for the LA Based gang The Crips.  They are now, literally, lauding a gang symbol.

For me this is a summation of why we left.  Nothing means anything in America any more.  The truth is what you were told 5 minutes ago by your TV, especially if you are over 55ish.  Critical thought is a thing of the past.  I’m sick of the Me Generation (look it up if you don’t know) constantly changing the rules and straw manning or red herrings everything and every conversation.  The F You, we got ours so you can’t have yours generation.  Talk about Eating your cake and having it too.

So, sorry for the rant the day after I said I wouldn’t, but that’s another part of the reason.  However, as we get further into the Expat life and adventure, the more we like the adventure and exploration.  Besides, Kiddo got three years of Thai and could hear it, even if she couldn’t speak much.  Now, in just 4/5 months, she’s got enough Chinese that she could make a friend and pet a dog.  That she can help me with Didi drivers.  That she can understand enough to ask a stranger about her dog.  Also, that she is brave and bold enough to do so.

Let’s go, Kiddo…. It’s great watching you take on life.  To do new things.  Watch as you try the drums, new foods, make friends, explore, and become the best little you that you can be.  You are kind enough and empathetic enough to understand the plight of others.  You are brave enough to go into a world that you can’t understand and make sense of it.  You are our best thing.


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