Miller Time

J and myself will always be a little locked out of Thai culture.  Not only because we’re foreigners and white, but also because we lack an inherent understanding of the language and customs.  Kiddo, however, is learning parts of that and getting a deeper understanding because she is coming at the language and culture in a way that J and I can’t.  She’s learning it.  Not to speak it and communicate for food, goods, or services.  She is learning it to talk and communicate and have fun and play.  Between Sa (the first nanny/tutor) and now Beer, she has a playmate and teacher.  Someone to go places with, do things with, get to the market with, things like that.  Tomorrow, as a matter of fact, they are going to get their nails done together for Chinese New Year.  That’s great, because Ashi can learn and ask and talk about Chinese New Year and ask all her 4 year old questions and Beer is good with answering and helping her understand.  In a mix of Thai and English.  

It offers the Kiddo a real chance to acclimate a bit, since she is learning it deeply and on a completely different level than J and I could.  That offers other opportunities to her as well.  It opens up the possibility of her learning other languages quicker and deeper.  She will go into school next year fluent in English, but also with a basic understanding of Thai language, but also customs.  Beer takes her out and plays in the pool with her, they go to the market and try foods or just look at things and Kiddo can ask and wonder.  Beer will tell her, “in Thailand” or “In Thai Culture” and give that next level understanding.  It’s actually a really cool thing.  And Beer is a really cool lady.  Curious.  Inquisitive.  Willing to try and make mistakes.  Her English is beyond passable, but not great, but she is willing to try, ask, explore, clarify, and explain a concept or word; and she is instilling that in Kiddo, who was already naturally curious, by showing that it’s ok to not understand, that it’s ok to try and make a mistake, and that it’s ok to not understand a concept as long as listen and try to understand and clarify as needed.  

The backside of this is now our previously curious child is doubly curious and willing to say, but why, but why, but why, let me try, what about this and that, and how, what, when, etc etc.  Her imagination is wild, but add to that a thirst for learning… And not just English or a concept, but Thai as well.  And she wants to teach us.  Make it so we can understand or helps us understand.  So, it’s great.  She learns so much.  But the well of questions didn’t just double in size, it got exponentially deeper.

The coolest thing about it all, however, is the access that Beer affords us.  She KNOWS Thailand and BKK.  She knows some cool spots.  And she’s (Beer that is) naturey, outdoorsy, and willing to take Kiddo and have an adventure or try a new thing.   She, also, has helped a bit with the Chinese New Year and decorations and things like that.  So, it’s a really really cool thing.  

But then it happened.  She solidified herself as the coolest, best, most awesomest person in Kiddo’s world.  She. Knows. A. Dog. Cafe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m a bit unclear on if the cafe owns the dogs, borrows the dogs, if people can just bring their dogs, like a doggy daycare and other people can come and just pet and interact, but it’s a cafe with dogs.  I mean, see above.  If that isn’t Kiddo in pure bliss dog heaven, I don’t know what is.  

And who knows what’s next.  I know there are zoos and museums that we haven’t even thought of or have no concept of.  I didn’t know a Serpentarium was a thing until J and Kiddo went (deathly afraid of snakes, I sat it out) and I know there is a Planetarium in the city as well.  Plus holidays that are unique to Thailand.  Kiddo gets to see, learn, and experience that all.  With a native that she can ask questions of and share info and language with.  It’s a seriously cool thing and I’m a bit envious of Kiddo for that.  But I don’t begrudge her.  Neither of us do.  We actively seek out these types of things and people for Kiddo.  So she can expand her horizons and understandings.  What a cool adventure to have and what more will she get to see and experience because of all of this now.  What does her future hold and what new paths were unlocked for her due to all of this?  Time will tell, but if she’s always smiles like at the Dog Cafe, I can kiss J at night and now we are doing at least one thing right.  


Dr. J said…
So fun! I've been to cat cafes in Honolulu and Vancouver, B.C. Those sites partnered with local rescue organizations or shelters to feature adoptable cats, so that folks who visited could potentially provide one of the felines with a furr-ever home. Hope it's the same for the puppies in BKK!
Lets Go Kiddo said…
It was like that, I asked Beer. And yesterday, they got to a cafe/park area with butterflies. Kiddo had butterflies landing on her and she got to hold a caterpillar.

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