Food; On the go.

The food is hard to describe.  It’s a taste, but also a texture.  It has a uniqueness to it.  A place.  Which is odd and hard to explain.  I can TASTE the market on the food, sometimes.  Like, that place has a smell and taste and history all it’s own and that infuses into the food.  The closest I think I can come to explaining this is either super local that only one or two people will get or a vague sentiment that might miss the mark.  It’s such its own thing that it just belongs to a time and a place.  

Some of the food though, it has a taste and a uniqueness to it, but that is unique all on its own and in its own way.  Cart food or scooter eats is how I think of it, but I have NO idea what it’s actually called.  I’ve had fried chicken.  Fried banana/plantain.  Some sort of donut thing, a small semi-sweet ball with sesame on and in it.  J eats those more that I do, due to the diverticulitis.  Corn (again, J and Kiddo).  Soups.  Meats on a stick.  Even ice cream.  

I snapped a few pics and even got a few of one of these on the move.

I’ve been in town on errands and seen these cruising the streets of downtown Bangkok only to roll up a driveway and park on the sidewalk and just set up shop.  I’ve seen these in traffic, literally selling thru a car window waiting on a traffic light and when the light changed, both car and food scooter headed off.  

And if I’m nibblish and see one, I’ll give it a try.  It’s one of those that just wouldn’t fly in the States.  Then again, we see a lot less food trucks and “roach coaches” here, so it’s a bit of a trade.  Maybe I need to talk to my guy JR and convince him to follow his dream of opening a taco truck… only do it in BKK, so I can get some good Mexican Food again.  HA!  


Minor rant before I go today.

The USA get’s less than 1% of its crude from Russia.  Has a 58 day crude supply (based on peak use numbers 2015-2019- so PRE-pandemic when usage was at all time highs).  If you are intellectually limber or dishonest enough to look at this and say, THANKS BIDEN and roll your eyes, you are an idiot!  It is simple price gouging and profiteering.  

Putin went from being a “genius” to “we need to bomb the shit out of them.  Only we paint the Chinese flag on the planes so Russia will think China did it and then they will fight and the USA will be a world power again”.  

Think!  Just think about that.

Some of you reading this has said or thought that this is Biden’s fault.  Or, you’ve had friends and co-workers blame it on Biden and you “didn’t want to fight” so you just walked away.  

Why does only the Crazy get a say?  

Remember when Dan Quayle lost his political career for misspelling Potatoes? 

Donald Trump would be seen as crazier and less reliable than Ross Perot in the 90s.  And, if you recall, Perot got something like 9% of the vote in 92.  Did 7.5% in 96.  20 years later and here we are.

I’ll be over here, silently crying and hoping that there is something left of this world by the time Kiddo is in her 20s.


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