
Showing posts from July, 2022

Both sides of the Kiddo coin

Watching a child grow is an amazing thing.  It takes a lot.  Patience.  Love.  And the ability to answer a million questions about any and everything.  One of these days, I should get a video of Kiddo and some of her friends.  Poley, Ratchet, Clank, Slither, Monster, Tentacle, Grandfather Simba (Cloud Version), Kion, Ono, Monk-Monk, and I’m sure I’m missing one or two in there that I am the voice cast for.  Plus, every night before bed, I need to kiss her fairy saddle and talk to all the fairies and let them know it’s time for them to ride Kiddo’s nose slide and put fairy dust on her eyes for good dreams.   It’s a LOT of work keeping up with a five year old.    A year ago today, we got free from quarantine and it was our first day in Bangkok.  Seems like a lifetime ago, but it was just a year.  And I look at Kiddo from a year ago and I’m amazed at how big she’s gotten.  How much smarter.  How she’s proved resilien...

Whole lotta nothing... now with extra pictures!

We woke Monday ready for an adventure to Hua Hin.  Kiddo, for her part, was bouncing off the walls with excitement.  For the trip, the beach, Beer joining us, traveling, a new house to stay at for a few days, Dada cooking, and just life in general.  She paced the house.  Counted the steps it took her to walk the carpet.  We were packed and ready for a few lazy days.   It was nice to bring Beer with us; both as a driver, but also as a guest.  In the past, going on holiday, we’ve hired a car and driver to get us to and fro.  This time, we had Beer.  Since we know her and Kiddo does as well, it was a more comfortable and relaxed drive.  Beer could point out some cool things and the little things she knew on the drive.  She also has been to Hua Hin and knows some of the places there.  She knew and had fond memories of a Dim Sum place that she was excited to eat at and share with us.   A little over 2 hours after we left ho...