Shuffle and Resuffle

Been a strange couple of days here.  Not in bad ways, but the rhythms been a bit different.

Firstly, Kiddo got her second Covid vax.  That was Monday.  However, in the morning that day, she had to go with J to BASIS and do a pre-enrollment eval thing.  She counted and did some letters and that was about it.  Took 20ish minutes.  The shot was fine as well.  In typical Kiddo fashion, she was brave and didn’t cry or flinch.  The doctor and nursing staff (about 8 people all told) broke into applause when she was done.  She’s bulletproof!

Tuesday was a DAY!  Lil miss slept in until almost 8am (she’s normal up 5:45-6:30 depending) and was just a puddle of emotions and not feeling 100%.  And she hardly ate.  We did get to the mall for Tuesday Kiddo and Dada lunch, but she was just subdued.  Plus, she only ate about half of lunch.  She normally eats as much as I do.  On the topic of eating as much as an adult…. I made tacos on Monday.  I had two tacos with guacamole, J had two tacos with guacamole, Kiddo had two tacos with guacamole.  I had some rice and a few nibbles of some guac and chips.  So did J.  Kiddo had a little rice and 1/3rd a bag of chips and guac.  Seriously, as much as J and myself.  Mayhap more.  The day was slow and emotional, but lil miss was cuddly and I can't say I had many complaints.

Yesterday, she was back to her normal self.  Waking, eating, jumping in full Kiddo delight at everything.  She was back to being a ping pong ball of energy and fun.  We also updated our garden with some green onions, so that was a blast as well.  She’s invested and interested.  She talks to them and sings them songs to help them grow.  We also found some jalapeño seeds and those are enroute, so we are going to give that it’s own little pot and space and hopefully we can get some jalapeño love going here.  All I know is that the first time we pick something for consumption and use it in a meal, Kiddo is going to lose all of her bananas…. Probably by the case full. 

So, with Nanny Beer in house, J and I decided to spend the day together.  Coffee and cards on a rainy day, then lunch, then who knows.  

It was a rainy and cool day.  Didn’t get over mid-80s here (29 for the C folk) and was overcast and just rained or sprinkled all day.  Plus, it was a Buddhist holiday.  The city and area were slow.  Sublime, and yet busy and chilled at the same time.  

But we headed out.  Got lattes.  Played some Cassino.  After getting destroyed in the opening hand, I rebounded and fought back for the 21/20 victory!  J is a good Cassino player, so victory is not guaranteed against her.  After that, she wanted to learn Cribbage.  I only have a cheap little board here, my good board having been left in Wisconsin and since that is now unrecoverable, I had to just get a cheap little board to carry with me.  Probably better for space and packing, but dang do I miss my good board.  Besides, after 20 some years… ya know!  But, the cards we’re a gift from my bro and we got those to play with.  BTW, thanks for the cards, Grub.  They are AWESOME.  Hugs to you and Devo…. Whip it good!

After cards and coffee, we headed out to the mall.  We needed to run some errands and price some items.  Housing news is coming, but part of our adventure was to plan and prep for the year ahead and the living space we will have.  We got Hot Pot for lunch while there.  Hot Pot is basically a boiling pot of water.  Then you add spice, flavor, veggies, meats, cabbage, mushroom, etc.  Cook and boil.  Add noodles or dumplings.  Scoop and let cool and enjoy.  It was Devine!  And then we needed to get some groceries and walking past some food stalls, we saw this HUGE pig chillin'.  Too bad we'd already eaten.  

Coming home, it was a lazy afternoon.  Random little things.  I did some errands and got some info and things planned and researched some stuff that I had on hold to check or look up.  J chilled.  Then it was evening and dinner.  

As I said, not bad.  Just a strange flow to the week.  But, it’s nothing bad, just a growth into our short summer life before we make the big transition to August and the school year.


Anonymous said…
Whoa... for the first card game you mention, I think you're talking about what in my family is referred to as Casino (with one "s"). Game starts with two cards to opponent, two cards to dealer, two cards face up on table, then repeat for initial set-up. Scoring includes things like the Good 2, Good 10, Cards, and Spades. Yes??? If so, OMG! I've never met anyone before who knew that game! A tournament is SO ON during our January visit! And mayhap we'll sneak a decent Cribbage board into our bags to leave with y'all. :-) Dr. J

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