Growing into February

Kiddo hasn’t been hungry this week, following her little bout with the Norovirus that is going around.  The last day or two, however, she’s been back to munchin’ everything in the whole house.  J and I think that her body was getting over the illness and now that she’s back, it’s gonna be a boom of growing soon.  

Unfortunately, I can’t post pics.  Lil miss was an “undie babe” this morning when we measured her, so you’ll have to take my word for it.  She is 113cm currently.  44.5 Inches.  She’s a lean and lanky one.  

On top of growing, she’s also learning.  Some of it is even shocking to her.  Like last night.  J and Kiddo were talking in her room after shower and Kiddo was talking about an alphabet stamp set.  It’s a little ink and stamp set, with letters A-Z and colored ink that you can blot and then stamp.  Cute and fun.  Kiddo can and will get so much out of something like that.  With an April birthday, J and I thought the exact same thing.  However, Kiddo wanted J to set a reminder on her watch* with Siri** to remind her in November to tell Elfie about the stamp set because maybeeeee that would be a good Santa present.

Kiddo, maybe that could be something Dada and I get you for your birthday.

YOU CAN DO THAT?!?! <5 year old mind blown>

Kiddo was completely taken aback that she could request things for her birthday like she requests things from Santa.  Part of February Break will be making a Kiddo B-Day Wish List.  

As for Kiddo and real learning, not little things like above, her writing is getting better.  Ranza, is her made up language/culture/play/imagination/unique Kiddo thing.  Her and Nanny Beer were playing it the other day.  It was a cute thing and all the stuffed friends came to see the show.  It was a mix of Chinese New Year, RHCP Concert footage she’s seen (NO MUSTACHE!), and things from movies like Zootopia and Turning Red with the cartoon concert/celebration scenes.  I just love the writing and drawing.  The multi-color letters and drawing.  Also, her handwriting is already better than mine.  

She’s growing, learning, playing, and just being her usual self.  She makes everyday a little brighter.  Literally, sometimes.  :)

Before I go today….

Depeche Mode, I have blogged about before.  They just released a new single and the new (last) album will be out in about 6 weeks.  I’ve pre-ordered it and I’m very excited.

The single, Ghosts Again, however, is out and after I finish this blog post, I will be putting myself on a moratorium from the song for a few weeks.

First; I love the sound.  Very Depeche, but a nice blend of modern DM and a throw back to the Violator album and use of synthesizers.  Lead singer, Dave Gahan, is just as soaring and smooth as always on the vocals and he sounds great for 60.  My one complaint is the lyrics.  Obvious at points.  A little simple.  For me, that only knocks it down a half grade, so call it a solid B+ instead of the A-, but that’s kind of splitting hairs.  It does’t leave me excited for the album and to see if the sound is consistent or if other songs have more of a rock feel and less of a synth-pop blend to it.  

That all said, I’m very excited for 24/03/2023 and the album drop.  That should be at midnight for me, so I can stay up late or just dive in Saturday morning and lose myself in the album.  Probably catch it in the morning, as staying up and then giving it a listen or two would keep me up until about 3am.  I’m 45 with a 5 year old.  I can’t do 3am for an album anymore.  Side note: Being 20 was AWESOME!  LOL.  So, I’ll apologize in advance to J, but 25 March is gonna be a day filled with Depeche.  Also, after 50+ listens to the single in the last 30ish hours, I’m leaving it in place on a few playlists to pop up here and there, but I’m putting it away and not front lining it so when the album drops, I’ll go into that a bit raw without the Ghosts sound stuck in my head.

Let’s go, Kiddo… February break has started and we are going to have some fun, but also watch you learn and grow.  Thanks for always being a source of smile and light.

* - Kiddo has taken to telling J and I to “remind your watch” when something needs to be remembered later.  "Dada, do fairies have pets?  We can talk about that in the morning, lil love, but it’s late, so let’s just go to sleep.  Remind your watch Dada!  Remind me, 8am, to talk too Kiddo about fairy pets.”  Like that.
** - Siri is on Apple and our watches and phones.  I have a British Indian female voice for my Siri.  J has an Australian Male (I think).  Kiddo always wants us to tell our watches because Siri will repeat whatever it is you wanted.  “OK, I’ve added- Talk to Kiddo about Fairy Pets for zero eight hundred tomorrow.”  It’s not official to Kiddo until Siri confirms and repeats it.  Also, Kiddo thinks that our watches have different personalities because they have different Siri voices.


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