New helmet, river nap, and sleeping beauty

Sometimes there is so much going on it’s hard to keep up with all of it.  Kiddo, for starters, needed a new helmet for biking.  So, last weekend, her and J headed out to Decathlon to get a helmet and scoot around a bit.  The new helmet, pink as it can be, will be getting updated soon, as we (J and myself) are on the lookout for good stickers and the like so Kiddo can Kiddo up the helmet all she wants.  We’ve not found anything worthy yet, but once it is fully Kiddo’d, believe it that there will be pics.  

We also spent a little time at a cafe by the river.  It was a nice family trip and we just hung out.  Kiddo did some drawings and other fun.  Then, Kiddo was exhausted.  Being five and the center of attention at a River Cafe in BKK is really taxing.  You get to be cute.  Throw rocks into the river.  Draw.  Get cuddles and hugs upon request.  It’s tough work.  Just ask her.  LOL.  Anyways, she had a river nap.  

Today, J had an Open House thing at school for a couple of hours.  So, it was a Kiddo/Dada morning.  We hoped to swim, but it was not too warm (only 27C/80F) and about a 14MPH wind.  So, it wasn’t overly hot and it was gusty.  Not a great combo for a rooftop pool.  Instead, we took a ride.  Yes, we shoo’d some birds.  Yes, Snow and Snowball came on the ride (Poley was just out of jail for saying the B word, so he couldn’t come) and enjoyed the basket time.  Near the end, we stopped to try to lure some butterflies into landing on her magic wand stick, but alas, none did.  Not for lack of trying.  

The highlight was that J and I got to have a date night.  Nanny Beer stayed late on Wednesday so that J and I could go out.  We talked about just walking to Green Day, but decided to try Indy instead.  We saw about 1/3rd of it.  It’s big.  

We found a little bar with some upstairs out outdoor seating, got a table and some beers and just hung out.  After a while of chatting, J and I decided that food would be great.  J headed out in search of yums and I kept an eye on the table and beers.  Sadly, we got caught up in the yumminess and didn’t get food photos, but it was a great time.  Just being about to night market without a lil person constantly needing attention was great.  Being able to adult was great.  Having a J date was great.  All in all, it was a fantastic evening and something that we’ve worked out with Nanny Beer so we can do something like this once a month or so.

It’s also that Kiddo is comfortable with Beer.  We’ve gone out other nights with other people watching lil miss and we always get a sleepy girl coming out to check on “the rambunctions” when we come home.  With Beer, however, she is comfortable enough that she will just crash out.  We did pop in to see if she was sitting awake waiting and we found a heap of sleep.  She’s such a little bundle of love.

Next week is Spirit Week at school and a lot is going on.  I think I might need to be on campus with her a day or two.  So, the week coming promises to be eventful.  And Kiddo is hyped for it.  HYPED!  So much so, I changed her allergist appointment on the 28th to next week so that she wouldn’t miss any Spirit Week events and fun.  But that means, early March, Kiddo and Dada will have a day in town.  Doc.  Lunch.  Maybe a treat or something.  Just a day of hanging out.  She can miss a day.  In fact, I advocate her missing a day.  Heck, if we were still in CA, the Brewers are in SD in early April.  I can’t imagine that her and I would have missed catching one of those games… Which would mean missing a day of school.  Or a Lake Elsinore Storm game.  Because (and this is just my opinion) sometimes bonding with Mumma and/or Dada is more important that a random school day.  If it’s once or twice a year to do something special and bond a bit, then I’m all for it.  Call it a mental health day.  Call it a Ferris Buller Day.  Call it a break.  Whatever you call it, it gives her a different day.  It also sends a message; Work and School and all are important, yes, but it’s ok to have a break.  It’s ok to have a doc appointment.  It’s ok to have a day every once in a while to just have a breathe.  I’m glad I get to give that to her and that we get to have a day.  I’m looking forward to it.

Let’s go, Kiddo… Spirit week is coming and those darned pigeons just keep coming around.  Let’s shoo them and then catch a butterfly or two.  

NOTE:  Due to time constraints and internet issues, this is going up 3 days late.  We have had two days of Spirit Week and a visit to Dino World.  Post(s) to come.  


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