Platinum Problems

In the last two weeks or so, J and I have been alerted to a new and unique problem.  It seems to only happen in the evenings and (even more odd) happens to only affect the 5 year old in the house.  

Last night was one of the worst.  See, the problem is hot/cold problems.  Last night, you see, it was multiple hot/cold problems.  Someone (who shall remain nameless) was having two hot/cold problems.  He feet were hot, but her legs were not so hot, but not really cold either.  The belly… hot, but the back- cold.  

A retuck-in and a mumma and dada hug got it all sorted (phew) and someone was able to drift right off to sleep.  Not before, I should mention, we (J and myself) were gifted a note in rainbow colors with hearts reading - I love Mumma and Dada - and the Dada was in Blue and Yellow for Brewer Colors.  

Talk about problems that will just keep you up at night.  Hot/cold problems and and love letter for Mumma and Dada.  

Of course, we jest and have a laugh at her.  It’s sweet, but Kiddo!!!!!  Mumma and I are watching a show and chilling.  It’s bed time.  

On top of Spirit Week (pics coming for Opposite Day and White Clothing Day) we have other really exciting Kiddo news.

Let me start by showing you the maze drawing Kiddo made for her stuffed friend Ono (a pterodactyl) to navigate.

The little sliver bits are perches for Ono.  The colored lines are lasers that he needs to swoop to avoid.  When he gets to the top, he needs to get the bone eraser to win.

Just the other night, her and I were playing Video Games before bed and she was into her Paw Patrol game.  Part of that game is to solve puzzles and avoid traps to get Pup Treats (little dog bone looking things) and part of that night was her doing a sweep up of the game.  She had completed it and the mini-games, which left getting all the badges and treats.

Once she did (and this is the exciting part) a bunch of messages popped and she got a notice of her FIRST Platinum trophy.

To put that in perspective, I have been gaming for approx 37 years now and I’ve been on the Playstation platform since about 1997.  Whatever year my bro Grub got his tonsils out.  So, that’s about 25 years on the PlayStation platform.  

I have 5 platinum trophies.

Sure, I could rush Paw Patrol and get a cheap and easy plat, but I wouldn’t.  I don’t chase platinums, I earn them.  4 of my 5 are in Ratchet and Clank games and I love those games and usually play through multiple times (especially since Kiddo likes to watch and ask questions and help find things) so those are just an issue of time and exploring.  On top of that, I love the games and characters, so (for me) it’s a joy to play and replay those.  The other is on Ghost of Tsushima and I loved that game and world.  It was great to just run around exploring and going samurai bad ass on the Mongol Invaders.  

I’ve got a couple other games I could Platinum if I wanted, but I just don’t want to grind them to get the trophies.  Either the game play gets repetitive or the challenges are ridiculous.  Example from XCom 2 - Complete the finale battle with a team of Rookies and all soldiers must survive the mission.  Now, I could grand and save state that (save after each successful move to ensure victory, reload after failed moves) and grind it for a win, but it’s not fun.  It’s a grind.  For an imaginary online trophy.  

I’m proud of Kiddo, though.  Yes, it’s an imaginary online trophy, but she earned it and didn’t know she was getting it.  She wanted to complete the game to complete the game and get all the things.  Besides that, I wish we would have gotten some video of it.  Kiddo was over the moon excited and also she was super proud of herself.  She completed the challenges and did it.  Good on her!

Lastly, here are the remaining Spirit Week pics.  Opposite Day was a BASIS shirt since those shirts are usually worn on “Official days” - pic day, field trips, etc - and the opposite of that is a play day of fun, so that got Red Shorts.  Official and Unofficial. Opposites.  Cool!  I did flare it up a bit with the hair ties.  Why not?!?

The other was Dress in White Day.  Easy!

Let’s go, Kiddo… It’s a long weekend for you and Mumma and an even Longer Weekend for you as Tuesday we get to go into town and see the allergist for a follow up.  Then we get a Dada/Kiddo lunch.  A four day weekend… What is this, Christmas break???  LOL


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