Spirit week and Dino rides

It's Spirit Week for Kiddo at school this week and it's been a blast so far.  On top of her cool and colorful outfits, she's also gotten to go to read to the 1st grade classes (Yes, she got to read to 1st Graders) about Space and on Friday there is an event in the afternoon at school.  It will include songs and Kiddo will get to show me her presentation on a planet; I believe it's Venus, but I also know she's got something going on with Saturn as well.

There was also colorful day, PJ day, Animal Day, etc.  As you can see, she was all in.

Also, we have a dino exhibit near us at Central.  This last weekend, J and Kiddo cruised over to give it a look.  Needless to say, Kiddo LOVED it.  And then, on the way home, they stopped and fed some fish and chatted with some chickens.  Who doesn't just sit and chat with chickens?

Other than that, it's just been a week.  The weather is turning hot again and will be back to brutal in about 6 more weeks.  And then stay that way for the next 9 months.

Let's go, Kiddo..... You've read to 1st graders, ridden a dino, and held palaver with chickens.  Maybe tomorrow you will get an actual trip to space. 


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