To the top... with no sauce please.

Kiddo is a charm.  She’s so much fun these days.  The other day, we were all finishing lunch and Kiddo ran off to wash up and un-sticky herself afterwords and J looked at me and said, “She’s the best decision we ever made.”  I concur.  Wholeheartedly.

Today, we were playing and she was doing an Observation Chart with some stuffed friends.  It was of her rocks that she has collected along the way.  We needed to trace our rock and write it if was small or big and how tall.  Is it rough or smooth.  What color or colors is it.  She then handed me a rock.  Here ya go, Dada, Observate this on the paper here.  Remember, start with tracing it and then write the observations.  First <and here she held up a hand and made me look at her> this is IMPORTANT.  Observate it closely.

Observate.  I mean… Does it get any more five than that????  She doesn’t know Observe, but she knows it’s an Observation Chart.  Shortening that down… Observate.  I’m going to use that every chance I get!!!!

We are chilling today, though.  Yesterday was a day.

First, it started with an Easter egg hunt on the roof with a friend of J’s who has kids and lives in the building.  It was a quick thing, but still… Lots of energy.  Besides, isn’t lil miss the cutest?

In the afternoon, her and J headed to the mall for some stuff and to kill time and be in AC since it is HOT here these days, but they also heard there was a climbing area that was here for a week.  

Kiddo was hesitant at first, it seemed very high to her.  She stuck with it and the staff was great at trying to explain and helping.  It also helped that Kiddo understood a LOT of the Thai spoken to her and so that helped as well.  She had a blast and wants to go back so she can reach the top.  For 80 baht (about $2.50)… You got it, Kiddo!  You can see, in the video, that she freaks a bit, but that’s ok.  She got past it and had a blast and wants to go back.  Besides, anything that ends with an Ice Cream treat is always worth it.

After that, it was the pool and I joined for that.  We just swam and splashed for an hour and got some sun and cooled off and laughed and loved.  We’ve been doing the pool more recently and that’s been fun… Except for last night.  Kiddo was up a few times and around 23:30 she came out and was complaining of her ear.  Her earlier complaints were her nose and sniffles and allergies.  What she was describing sounded more like Swimmer’s Ear and she has complained that she has water in her ear after the pool a few days ago.  So, I gave her some drops for that since we had and she finally crashed and today had minor complaints, but specifically asked if we could NOT do the pool today.  

One day and adventure at a time, it seems.  Today’s adventures are chilling at home and just being.  She will watch a show a little later.  I’m making pork Stir Fry.  It will be a day.

Then, tomorrow… The Mario Movie!!!!!!  I’m sure we’ll have something to say and Kiddo has already asked if she could Vlog a review of it.  Sure thing, Kiddo!  Observate the movie and then review it for us.

Let’s go, Kiddo… There’s a ton to do this week and then, next Monday, you will go back to school and celebrate your birthday.  Then, come home to love, gifts, and Fufu (Tofu) tacos as requested.  With guacamole, of course!  We love you and mumma was right, you are the best choice we’ve ever made.

Before I go, I have two new terms for you.  One, comes from a former resident of the building who moved on to a different school in BKK and best to her, but when it rains here and the water runs off the roofs and gutters, Linds referred to it as Roof Juice.  

The other is mine.  A few days ago I was taking out the trash one night.  I got the bag out and was holding my hand in a strange way.  J asked if I was ok.  “Yeah, I just got garbage sauce on my hand tying it.”  So, garbage sauce.  Use it as needed, but Observate that you got it from me.  :P


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