
Showing posts from August, 2023

Time to Climb

I’ve mentioned before that J is getting into climbing and has been taking Kiddo with her on Saturday mornings.  It’s kind of become their Kiddo and Mumma time and their reconnection after the week of school and life.   I was invited this last Saturday to join them and it was a blast.  I even got on the wall a few times.  As you can see, I am still loose and comfortable climbing.  If only I had the strength and endurance I once did.  Also, the extensive damage to my core due to the surgeries doesn’t do me any favors.  It is fun to monkey up the walls, though. Kiddo, who is pictured climbing next to me here, is also great.  She really loves it, but she also sees it.  I think you would need to climb to really get that, but she can see and understand the path to take.  She’s not tall enough in some cases, not strong enough in others, and some times, it’s just that she doesn’t have the technique down to get to where she wants to go....

A Handsome Cut

Last night, I was up playing video games.  MLB The Show, specifically.  I scribble myself notes from time to time playing games.  Usually this is something that I do for role playing games and things where you need to solve puzzles and backtrack and all that, but with baseball, I get pretty involved. The current version that I am playing is the 2021 version.  I don’t need to pay yearly for minor upgrades and roaster updates.  However, I can get pretty involved in the game and my player.  I’m a two way guy, pitching and hitting.  I’ll make notes on match ups or if I see trends in how I’m being pitched or how hitters are approaching me at the plate.   Recently, I’ve been hitting the seams off the baseball and I’ve been dialed in on fastballs, since I was struggling in the weeks previous to high fastballs.  So, the AI adjusted and started giving me a lot of those.  I adjusted back.  So, now I’m seeing a lot of curve or off-speed pi...

A colorful start

Over the last decade I’ve gotten used to The First Day of the school year being The Start of The Year.  Teachers and the families of teachers know this feeling and know that the first month is always hectic and filled with the New Year adjustments.  The only difference this year is that Kiddo is back and in Grade 1 as well, so I got to see two ladies off today. As usual, I got a first day pic of J heading out the door.  Here’s hoping it’s a great year and that between job hunting, working, and her Master’s; it’s gonna be a busy year, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a great one.   Kiddo, however, needed to start Grade 1 with some flare.  So, yesterday, while J was at the clinic getting her physical for her work visa (here’s hoping she hasn’t gotten syphilis or leprosy in the last year) and then taking care of some family stuff (more on that later) Kiddo and I went to the mall and got her hair done. I’ll not make y’all dig and I’ll just end with the finish...

The last days....

School starts again on Monday and it’s been a busy few days here.  J went out Thursday night, so I was on Kiddo.  We had some fun and made a night of it.  I had therapy that day, so Nanny Beer came early and I found a quiet spot to do my appointment.  Beer left early that day and J was going straight from work to a dinner she was having with a friend, so when Beer left it was Kiddo and I.  We headed to the Mall to run some errands and have some fun.  We started with Rollerskating. The Trainer she had this time was lovely and really good with her English.  She also got kids.  By that, I mean she played along and understood about imagination and just kid stuff.  Kiddo wanted Poley to see her skate, so he came with.  After the early videos I got, I pocketed my phone and watched and waved and all that.  However, Poley was really excited for her.  He even tried to jump onto the skate area to play.  I had to struggle to hold ...