The last days....

School starts again on Monday and it’s been a busy few days here.  J went out Thursday night, so I was on Kiddo.  We had some fun and made a night of it.  I had therapy that day, so Nanny Beer came early and I found a quiet spot to do my appointment.  Beer left early that day and J was going straight from work to a dinner she was having with a friend, so when Beer left it was Kiddo and I.  We headed to the Mall to run some errands and have some fun.  We started with Rollerskating.

The Trainer she had this time was lovely and really good with her English.  She also got kids.  By that, I mean she played along and understood about imagination and just kid stuff.  Kiddo wanted Poley to see her skate, so he came with.  After the early videos I got, I pocketed my phone and watched and waved and all that.  However, Poley was really excited for her.  He even tried to jump onto the skate area to play.  I had to struggle to hold him back.  LOL

The trainer skated over with Kiddo and asked to be introduced to Poley and just fell into understanding.  That buzzed up Kiddo even more.  She could be more free with talking to me and Poley and showing excitement.  By the end of the lesson, Kiddo was a lot more confident and was getting a good few feet of skating before she would forget, freeze up, or get a little wiggle and stall out to catch her balance.  She did do some zigzags around some cones the Trainer laid out and then, after that, did some cones that required feet in and feet out.  The last 5 minutes, they even did some backwards skating.  I can’t tell you the pride and love I felt for Kiddo.  It was just so much.

After that, she was hungry.  It is a constant state for her these days.  She could have an apple in front of her and she would be hungry.  10 minutes after lunch… Hungry.  Just had a snack… Hungry.  Eating… Hungry.  She’s 6 and growing and doing so much new stuff.  She is just a calorie monster right now.  So, we ate.  After that, we ran some errands.  Priced out some items J and I have been looking at getting, we got a new drawing notebook (Large and small) for Kiddo, breakfast foods, meds, and other little things like that.

Of course, what mall trip is complete without a McDonald sundae?  We got one and chilled and ate that and just had a happy time.  It was late leaving and getting a Tuk home.  Plus, it had rained and was still sprinkling.  We left home at 15:50 and it was 19:07 when we got onto the Tuk.  10 minutes later we were home, but Lil Miss still needed a shower, I needed to put items away and make J her coffee and set her up for Friday morning, manage kiddo, shower myself, brush hair, jammies, tuck in, chill her because she “misses mumma”, and the plethora of dad stuff that needed to be completed.

Friday was just her and I.  J is back to work.  The morning was chill.  We hung out and around 10am, we headed up to the pool and had a swim.  We brought the dive rings with us and Kiddo spent about a half hour exhausting herself showing me how good she was at holding her breathe and getting the rings.  We spent the rest of the late morning in the pool until it was lunch time.  We went to The Restaurant and had market food and Restaurant food combo.  She wanted pics for Mumma.  After lunch, we took a 45 minute rest, like usual.  The afternoon is when the fun happened.

I’ll let the pics speak for themselves.  And the vid.

First time doing a two wheel bike.  She got a little hesitant when I told her I wasn’t holding on, but if I kept my mouth shut, she’d get 4-5 peddles before I’d need to hold on again.  Like the skating, she’s getting it.  She’s finding her balance.  Again, the pride and love I feel for her.  I am beyond proud of her.

It is Bangkok, so it was beyond hot.  After a bit on the bike, we needed some AC and chilling.  We played for a bit more, then she took over the play and I slunk away to make salad and prep dinner.  She, of course, was there to Taste Tester for me.  Whew, the carrots and cucs aren’t poison.  :)  

Today was another work day for J.  Students could meet the teacher, see the classroom, etc.  Kiddo had that as well.  But, Early Years had a different time slot.  Kiddo was afternoon.  We headed over and J took her from there.  But, she is too cute and so brave.  Look at her, just lining up and with her new classmates and all that.  She is excited, anxious, scared, nervous, happy, sad, and all the rest.

Her and I did blow off some steam before we headed over to school today.  

Tomorrow, Kiddo will get a Mumma Morning and they are going to go climbing again.  Then, her and I are off to the mall to get her ready for the first day of school.  We have a hair plan.  Stay tuned for pics.  Then, Monday morning, we restart the rat race routine of the school year.

Let’s go, Kiddo…. Grade 1 comes soon and Mumma and I are just as excited and scared and anxious as you are.  However, we are all in this together.  Mumma and I got you and love you.  Yeah, summer seemed short (You know, Dada, it feels like we did Vietnam yesterday and tomorrow is my last day before school again), but you did a lot and saw a lot and next summer will be the same plus we get to move to a new country and house.  We will all do it together and be right next to you for the whole thing.  

PS.  Sometimes you just need to roll with the 6 year oldness of her.  Also, many props to Beer for her drawing skills, but also for just knowing Kiddo and allowing her to be in Kiddoland.  Also, there are about 15 of these drawings we need to "find".  They are in every room of the house.  


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