A Master's Class in Fun
I mentioned in the last post that J was doing grad school this year and we’ve gotten some comments and questions on that. I wanted to take a minute to address that quickly.
J and I have been talking a lot over the summer. About us and Kiddo and where and what’s next and all that. We decided that we like the expat life and will keep at it for a while yet. This can be better accomplished and we can make more money and have more opportunities if J had a grad degree. So, she found a self paced program that will, at completion, earn J a Master’s Degree in International School Leadership. It’s a cool thing and will check boxes for admin or higher tier schools and just gives us flexibility in where and when and all that. Also, leadership… That can lead to Admin or some type of dean, grade level head, class lead or stuff like that. Besides, she’s a natural at that type of stuff and likes being in those positions, so it’s a good and natural fit for her.
The downside is that it will make a busy year all the busier, but once done, it will make the years to come easier. Until J decides to get her Doctorate. I told her 10 years ago she’d go that route and she told me I was nuts. She also told me she would NEVER climb and, well, y’all saw the last post.
As for climbing, Kiddo and I did HarborLand yesterday and whooo boy, did we climb. And run. And slide. And play. It was two hours in KiddoLand, is what is was. Except for these few vids and pics, I didn’t have my phone out because we were go go go go go!!!!! Just watch her in the vids, especially the last few and the longer ones. She does. Not. Stop.
It was a blast, however. Just sinking into her world and imagination. She makes a world and expects you to keep up. Sometimes it’s a mission and something needs to be completed. What to complete? Ask her, she will tell you and then be off on her own mission and task. Running to a ladder, down a slide, to a ball pit, find the magical flower, run to twisty stairs, down next slide… Dada, did you find the Ronza Scroll of Power? Yeah, I still don’t know either. LOL
We did slow down for 15 minutes to do some painting, but then it was right back at the playing. Afterwords, we had an ice cream treat. She decided to forego Mint Chocolate Chip and instead went Blue Hawaii Sorbet. Loved it.
It was a great day and we got home and did a rest and then I made dinner. Her and I had some video games at night, like we usually do, and I was hugged and kissed vigorously at tuck ins. “Best Dada Day ever!!!!” I’ll take that as a win.
After a day of running, climbing, imagination, and play you’d think Lil Miss would fall into a dead sleep. Nope! Quarter to nine and a lil mouse pops out. Now, a few quick Kiddo facts. We don’t post a lot of night Kiddo pics because after shower she is an Undie Babe. We’ve tried to get her to wear jammies or a robe or something. It’s like a religious thing with her. HAHA. She processes at night. That’s the other thing. We’ve learned that alone at night, she thinks and feels and processes. That’s when her worries come out. So, we kind of give her a grain of salt on getting out of bed. We also give her comfort. Usually, it’s just another hug, but sometimes she needs to just feel her feelings and cry it out.
She doesn’t just come out and say it, however. She finds a reason to be up. Last night, it was that her back and skin was itchy and could she have lotion. Since she’s an undie babe, J tells her to get her hair out of the way. Like she always does, Lil Miss flips her hair over her head and bends over to be lotioned. Last night, however, half way through the lotioning, she says, “Sorry Mumma, I tooted in your general direction.” We, naturally, lose our minds. We just laugh. What else can you do? Kiddo, however, has a follow up question. “What’s general direction mean?” Naturally, we absolutely lost our minds at that.
Or, if that doesn’t tickle your funny bone, maybe her “getting comfortable” to watch me play video games will.
She also tucked in some friends in our bed. Again, her world of imagination and love is just so much.
This morning, since I’m on Kiddo from 07:30 until whenever Beer is scheduled, her and I play and life and all that. Today, Dr. Fix-It-Up was on call. There are a couple of patients currently in the hospital, so on top of Doc Duties, we also needed to make sure the canteen was open for the friends who are inpatient. If only she had a recipe book. I can solve that problem. So, I gave her my The Professional Chef by The Culinary Institute of America 7th Edition to flip through. It’s basically explanation of techniques and/or recipes. Well, she had a ball. I needed to capture her in her doctor/chef get up. Can you love it more? I can not!
Let’s go, Kiddo… a few more days until school starts again, but that doesn’t mean the fun needs to stop. We have so much more planned this year and over next summer, we will be moving to a new country and city (in all likelihood), we have some trips planned, and then there is the weekends and climbing and all the new and fun stuff we do. Plus, you are going to learn how to two wheel bike. Mumma and I are very proud of you and love you so much.