Toothbrush Madness

Yesterday was a day.  The hospital was doing a Fundraising Fun Run, but it started at 05:00 and the MC and music kicked off at about 04:30.  Those are AM times.  I was tired all day and just kind of took it slow, same with J and Kiddo.  However, Kiddo was overtired and fighting it, especially toward the end of the day and she was a Grump Monster who was just discovering the Meltdown Madness Super Power.  Then, at bedtime, she fought sleep hard.  I’m talking all 12 rounds.  

Today, however, she was once again up at 05:15ish with J.  J told her to go back to bed, which she did (eventually), but she didn’t sleep.  She colored, played, and did everything but sleep.  So, tonight, I will fight the Grump Monster with Meltdown Madness.  Hurray!  LOL

She was in good spirits this morning.  Once we got moving and getting dressed and ready for the day, she perked up a bit and was great.  Good listening.  Good direction following.  Good teeth brushing.  

The toothbrush thing is my fault, though.

Before I get into that, though, I just wanted to post a pic of her outfit this morning.  She picked it all out.  Even the high socks.  They are koalas, if you can’t really tell.  She was loving it.

As for the toothbrush, well…..

Her Sonic Care for Kids finally brushed its last brush, but we can hold off until summer and get her a new one when back in The States.  She still needs to brush her teeth, however, and her and J found a new brush.  

The week before last she brushed her teeth one night, J was climbing I’m 99% sure, and so it was her and I.  She was being six and I was being Dada, so it was a goofy mixture of funny, teasing, goofball Kiddo, Puckish Dada, and everything that is Dada and Kiddo when we are in our zone.  She was finished brushing before bed and she was complaining to me that she liked her new toothbrush, but if was hard to balance and sometimes it would get kind of stuck.  I reacted to that in an over the top manner - Get’s stuck!  STUCK!  Toothbrushes don’t stick, they brush!  <shaking fists to the heavens> Toooooooootttttthhhhhhhhhhhbruuuuuuussssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Kiddo was laughing, but as I was shaking my fists at the heavens, she kind of got a look of- Oh no!  Dada is really mad about this. - Like a half joking, but slightly worried kind of way.  I thought I would get just giggles, but shaking my fists to the heavens might have been lost on her, so I needed to show her I wasn’t mad, just joking.  So, with that, I plucked up her toothbrush and while still railing about toothbrushes, I casually flicked my wrist and THWAP — A toothbrush stuck to the mirror and just hanging there.

She thought I was a wizard or something.  

Then she wanted to try.  So, we tried a few times.  

It’s become a thing!  And these four pics are just in the last week.  She brushes morning and night.  It’s like she’s got a plot point in her head.  I don’t always get pics (I forget, get busy, don’t look until late, etc) but I swear, it’s never in the same place twice.  

So, we have the toothbrush thing now.  Sorry J… mah bad!

In good news, J was out Saturday for a colleague’s Bday thing so Kiddo and I flew solo for dinner.  Of course, we capped it off with some gelato.  Mint Chocolate Chip, to be exact.  WITH marshmallows.  Livin’ that 6 year old good life.  Got a few pics for J.  Needed to share.  As you can see, even Poley was enjoying with us.

Let’s go, Kiddo… we still have about 200 million places for you to find to stick your toothbrush and ice cream to eat (sorry, gelato), but maybe, just maybe you will sleep good tonight, since Mumma is climbing and you can get your sleep schedule sorted and not turn into the Incredible Grump Monster at 18:30 until bed.  A parent can dream.  :D:D:D

PS.  The latest update.  LOL


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