Doggone Dog Days

I’ve mentioned in passing that Soi Dogs (pronounced Soy Dogs) that we interact with daily.  Maybe interact with is the wrong word.  Have named, see, look at, talk to, and laugh about is a better way to put it, but interact works for short hand.

These are the ugliest, stupidest, mangiest mangy dogs that have ever uglied, stupided, or manged it up.  But, they’re harmless.  And we don’t feed or pet them, so we’re never in nipping range.

Since everything needs a name to J and then Kiddo, we’ve named them.  The first one, who hangs around our building or in the plants and shade there, or just walking around being a Soi Dog.  J and I saw him (J insists it’s a her, since ladyboy can be a thing, ladyboy dog can as well) and so we settled on a non-binary name.  Super is what we came up with.  Why Super?  Because the dog is just Super Ugly, Stupid, and Mangy.  HAHAHA. Kiddo, needless to say, was ALL-IN on a name like Super.

One day, however, we were out walking.  Maybe home from the market.  I think it was with Buzzy (A stuffed friend) and we were coming back from a flower walk* and the Kiddo saw a Soi Dog and said, “Dada, why’s Super acting Weird?”  Just then, Super popped around a corner and lay down in the shade.  “OH!  That’s Super.  Who’s that Soi Dog?  Let’s name him Weird.”  And so, then we have Weird.


This led to J always thinking Why is Super acting so weird… Oh, that’s Weird!  And now, so do I.

A new challenger entered the ring a few weeks ago.  This pup looks almost exactly like Weird, only skinnier.  Like more Wiry.  “I know, Mumma and Dada, let’s call him Wire.”

So, now we have Super, Weird, and Wire.  Who Kiddo will address by name whenever she sees them.  Nanny Beer must think we are NUTS and has asked me how we know the dogs names.  Before I got a chance to answer that, the Kiddo filled her in.

“OH!  We just asked them and they told us.  Only we don’t know how to say them in Thai.”

To this, Nanny Beer looked at me like I really was nuts, like, dogs can’t speak, so how can they tell you.  Or did the front desk folks mention something and why wouldn’t they tell you the Thai word and name for the dog, why in English?  Then, it kind of dawned on her and I clarified, “We thought they needed a name and Kiddo helped name, so we have Weird and Super.” (Wire came after this convo).

So, another little slice of life here.  

*Flower Walk- It’s sunny, hot, and humid here.  Flowers and plants are EVERYwhere.  Wild.  Potted.  Bushes.  Shrubs.  Trees.  Plants.  Flowers are abundant.  We like to get out and walk.  Just see things.  Find our way around.  See what’s what.  Kiddo wanted to pick flowers.  Then Buzzy came into our life and of course, bees eat flowers and pollen.  So, now, when we want to get out and walk and kill a half hour, we flower walk.  Just grab Buzzy, clip him to Kiddo’s shirt and start out on a flower walk.  Buzzy gets really excited for this.


On another topic-

Over the last year or so, we’ve gotten some grief (mostly second or third hand) that some people are pissed that we won’t provide a mailing address.

We are awaiting a package.  It was flagged for one item.  So, I needed to submit my passport for import.  Once that is processed, I will need to fill out some paperwork.  After that is processed, I will need to submit my real and actual passport (not a copy or picture) for 5-7 days for inspection and declaration.  Then, I need to present myself in person with a valid gov’t issued ID (Thankfully my CA Drive Lic will work).  Then, it will cost us approx 1100-1500 baht (About $45 bucks) on top of the $375 USD we spent on this package already.

What large and weird thing are we getting?

Well, our W2s and other mail and tax forms we need.

A stuffed Bat for Kiddo.

4 new Boo-Boo Buddies

A wrist brace for me

2 Gropeners

All in a padded envelope and weighing approx 3 lbs.


So, if those with hurt feelings or who don’t understand why we don’t play around with the mail and packages coming from overseas…..

What do you want to send to us that is worth $400+ US Dollars and could potentially mess with our Visas or get us a huge Tax and Duty bill?  Because the wrist brace flagged as a medical device.  So, I need to go thru the above.  And pay more on top of that.  If I refuse payment and processing, my Visa gets canceled.

What gift or thing for Kiddo is worth the potential THOUSANDS it will cost to just ship and if exception is taken by the Thai gov’t, we will get taxed THOUSANDS here or get tossed out of the country costing J her job and leave us homeless?

What item or thing is worth that to you?

Because we tried being clear.  We tried being nice.  We’ve tried being honest that it is NOT worth it unless it is worth it.  Like sending items to the ISS.  An astronaut requests scotch and they get the best.  Or caviar.  Or truffles.  Because what’s the point of sending a $5 item to space, when it costs $400k-1.1M per pound (according to an estimate I saw from NASA) to get items into space for the ISS.  

Same as mailing us.  Unless it is tax forms and other NEEDED items, what’s the point?  But, once something is sent (our first mail dump cost us ONLY $225 and that was JUST 14oz of personal mail) we decided that we could get a few little or wanted items for ourselves.  

So, if you have complained or voiced the opinion that we are being selfish and/or standoffish with not providing an address…..

Spending thousands of your dollars, potentially thousands of our own, risking our VISAs and even Thai jail, just so YOU can feel good about a gift for the Kiddo….

Maybe you need to check yourself and stop complaining about us for a minute.

But hey, that’s just my 2 baht.


Speaking of Baht.  Just a quick pic.  I LOVE the money here.  Different colors and sizes.  It’s pretty frickin’ cool.  Just thought I’d share.  :)


What does Dada life at 5am look like after a night of sleeping next to the Kiddo because she was awake and couldn't sleep and other 4 year old reasons and anxieties?  A bit like this.  But I gotta admit, Tent Bed Blankie is SUPER comfy.


Lastly, I found this little meme.  Thought it summed up, pretty well, our attitude on moving overseas.  Just wanted to share.


Dr. J said…
Why is receiving international mail or packages so difficult in Thailand? Just curious. I've only lived abroad in France, and there wasn't any problem or extra cost to receiving stuff from the US.
Lets Go Kiddo said…
Taxes, Duties, availability of flights into the region. Supply lines and trade agreements. WW2, especially, gave the States a number of trade partners and routes into Europe. Not true in Asia or SEA. For a long time SEA was not a trade partner (See War- Korea and Vietnam) and the area is surrounded by hostiles (See-China, Myanmar, Middle Eastern Countries, the Philippines, etc) and again... until the early 2000s, a lot of that came in by boat or container ship, not plane. The trade agreements in place give provisional rights to some things that are manufactured but not easily resold or bought here (meds, technologies, computer and phone components) and because of that, they costs get steep REAL quick. There is also a punitive and distrust factor. The US... Yeah, they kinda bombed the crap outta the region for about 50 straight years, you want a package; PAY!

See my rant at the end of ( ) as well. Since 1935ish, the US has acted like the Boss of the world. Then it bombed Japan with an Atomic Device. It then declared that only IT could have atomic devices. WW2, at least the Cold War following it, never ended. They just told us it did and we had McDonalds, so we didn't notice.

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