Celebrating a lot

Today, we libraried it.  When you have a 5 year old with a voracious appetite for books and words, the library is a life saver.

As usual, we got lunch afterwords, but before we did that, we stopped and got a cup of coffee at a new place we found.  It was partially to have a cup of coffee, but it was also to get some AC for the 15 minutes we needed to wait for Washin Ramen to open.  J read some new library books too Kiddo and I read my Kindle.  It was fun.  Lunch, also, was a treat.  As usual, Kiddo loved it and crushed ramen.

Thursday was a day off and J had a few things to do and so we still had Nanny Beer.  So J could work without needing to deal with Kiddo in full Kiddo mode, her and Beer headed over to the Corgi Cafe.  As you can see, Kiddo had a blast.

Also, with the temps being insane, the pool is back to being in vogue.  She is too much!!!!!

However, Songkran is upon us.  Yesterday at school they had a celebration for it, however.  We did Take Baht (Giving Alms) and then the kids had a day of water play.  Kiddo loved every minute of it and come bed time, she was done.  Like DONE!  That crash you heard… Yeah, that was Kiddo falling asleep.  HAHA

It was cool to see the event and ceremony.  Also, Kiddo was great.  And very respectful.  You’d think she was Thai with her bow.  Also, I can’t get enough of her in her Songkran shirt.  Couldn’t you just eat her up?

Otherwise, someone is excited that a birthday is upcoming.  Goofy girl that she is.

Let’s go, Kiddo… It’s a week off of school and Songkran this week.  After that, it is your birthday and you will turn 6.  It’s a week of celebration ending with your day and that is the best gift mumma and I can ask for.  Love you, Kiddo, and we hope you are just as good at being 6 as you were at being 5, but either way, we know it will be a year filled with giggles, cuddles, love, and kiddoness.


jms said…
OMG. How did we not prioritize a visit to the Corgi Cafe during our time in BKK??!! I'm so envious!!!
Lets Go Kiddo said…
Well, we WILL be in BKK for one more year. We'd be happy to have y'all again and take you. There's a cat cafe and a bird cafe as well. Skip the food and culture; we'll give you the menagerie cafe tour. ;P

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