I spy... a broken plate
The last two nights, I’ve gotten a 2am visitor. The problem…. She hasn’t even been asleep yet. Now, I’m the night owl in the house, so I’m (usually) the last to turn in for the night. Besides turning off the AC, checking the lock on the door, and all that other end of night stuff, I poke my head in and look at sleeping beauty before I creek (Long story, ask Monk Monk) into our room and turn in. So, at 2am, roused from sleep because “I can’t even sleep yet” makes me just smile. The other half of me wants to open the window and fling her out. LOL She’s just waking, so I’m on her and it. Mostly we just calm down, have a sip of water, get up to use the loo, readjust sounds and lights, get a Dada tuck and cuddle, and by then the yawns are coming on strong and fast. Last night, I am 99% sure that she was back asleep before I got up from kneeling on the floor where I was just stroking her hair.
I don’t know about you, but getting up at 02:20-02:40 is my favorite thing to do.
Besides that, we have been having a little bit of fun. With the temps so high, we have had pool time. It was a nice excuse to use a new water bottle Kiddo got for her Bday. And to be a goof.
Speaking of birthdays, I’ve gotten a few comments and emails about Hedgy and how friends like Poley think of that. It’s important to note that Hedgy is ONLY 2 years old, but Poley is a 5 year old Bear and in Kindergarten and the leader of the Arctic Protection Team (they protect arctic friends against purple ninjas… obviously) who is a valued member of the friend bins and bed den. Poley isn’t at all threatened by Hedgy. In fact, Poley has said that, “Hedgy is a good friend and is new. Don’t be redic-a-liss. Geez-a-wheez!” He’s even given Hedgy polar bear back rides these last few nights. Snowball ALSO being a 2 year old (don’t ask me how she divines their ages) and a polar bear helped ease that transition, however.
Sunday, we headed to Kidzoona to play, since the pool was a bit murky and needed cleaning and temps in the 40s (100s) and it being way too hot to play out, we needed to let lil miss blow off some steam and run a bit. Boy, did she. Even J joined in on some bouncy fun.
Before we headed that way, we popped over to a small cafe near us and J and I got a coffee to split. While there, we discovered a little friend had hitchhiked with us. Kiddo reacting is beyond great. J and I each got it from different angles. Enjoy.
After Kidzoona, I went to Tops to get some things we needed for the house, but on the way, I found a store with some items on deep discount. I popped in to see if I could find a new Songkran shirt on sale for use next year, but alas, prices on those weren’t discounted. I did get Kiddo a pair of pants and a shirt to grow into. Both a still a smidge large on her, but nothing egregious and with how she’s growing, they will probably fit perfect next week, be tight the week following, and be WAY to small by the end of next month. :D
As for cuteness; Yesterday, I was doing some dinner prep and just bumping around the kitchen when I heard Nanny Beer and Kiddo talking. About half in Thai. So, I peek over. They are sitting in the window playing EYE SPY (I, SPY) and it was beyond cute. I love Kiddo so so so much, but also Nanny Beer…. Using Thai, asking Kiddo to use Thai, pointing and teaching and just being with Kiddo. The two of them are just so great. We’ve been really lucky with child care, so far. Between Beer and Miss Mabel, Kiddo has always been loved and has had a unique and special bond with each. There’s something to be said for that type of bond. I’m glad we could find it for Kiddo- not just once, but twice.
One piece of bad news and luck. I broke a plate yesterday in our huge and vast kitchen. How I could run out of space and have the plate get broken is beyond me. I mean, we have, literally, hundreds upon hundreds of sq millimeters to our kitchen. Anyone who has seen or has a scope of our kitchen will get the joke. I’m bummed about the plate, though.
Let’s go, Kiddo… It’s hot, but we are heading towards the rains, towards summer vacation, towards more adventures. We love you and love our little slice of life with you. Now, go to sleep… and stay asleep.