Singing Surgery and some burgers

Saturday night I got a Dada Date with Kiddo and we went to McDonalds.  It was just like old times again and we just had a blast.  J left for her thing at about 13:45 and so I had the afternoon with Kiddo.  It was not the greatest afternoon; Poley started throwing up and had to be rushed to Doctor Fix-It-Up and it turns out that Poley has Diverticulitis and needed surgery.  Also, since he was also juicy tooting on top of throwing up, he needed an IV, but right into the butt.  Needless to say, by dinner we were famished.

On the walk to the mall Kiddo needed to get some of her wiggles out.  So, she had a little bit of a run.  Then she had a goofy run.  I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to film her being a goof.

After dinner, we had a sundae from McDs and found a quiet little area to just sit and munch and chat and be us.  After that, we got the Tuk home and she wanted to game for a bit.  We ended up geeking for an hour and a quarter and it was a blast.  We’re back on Unraveled 2 and she was great.  She helped with a few of the puzzles and even solved one inadvertently; She was spitballing ideas and mentioned something to triggered a game mechanic in my mind that was the solution.  Watching her play is really amazing.

That night, however, she was humming something that I was signing the night before.  It’s a song from The Simpsons and it was stuck in my head and my singing it was annoying to J.  Not to the point that she wanted to ask me to stop, but to the point that she rolled her eyes and sighed at my singing.  So, with Kiddo humming it, I found a link to the song and played it for her.  Well, she loved it and wanted to “sing it in the morning to annoy Mumma and get Mumma Looks” and if you know me at all… You know I was down with this plan.  We sang it a few times and had some giggles.  In the morning (Sunday) went I was making a French Press of coffee for J and myself, I started on the bit of the song Kiddo liked the most and she sang along perfectly.  Thankfully, I was able to give J a heads up and she got a vid of it.  Enjoy my bad singing and Kiddo’s cuteness.

Here’s the Spotify link to the original.

Sunday, we needed to get to the library to return books.  There is a burger place near there that is not fast food burgers, but actual burgers.  I knew this was coming, so the night before, I got a chicken sando at McDs and I was in a burger mood.  Kiddo got the hotdog kids meals.  J got a burger as well and we split a curly fries bucket.  It was a nice outing.

Getting home, we had rest time and then Kiddo and I played more and started PT with Poley while J worked.  It’s a bummer J had to work, but only one more weekend of planning and school and then the last week and then summer and vacation.  We are all ready for it.

After that was dinner and Sunday night.  Kiddo and J had an after dinner treat, which Kiddo calls “Catching Butterflies”.  She started calling it that so I wouldn’t know she was having ice cream.  Because looking at her with a chocolate beard isn’t a dead giveaway.  LOL. 

Besides that, I got a cool shot of this tree that is right in front of the library and J got a pic of a cool looking tree on the drive to the library.  So, let’s end today with a little splash of local greenery.  It’s pretty cool living here sometimes.  Heck, ALL of the time, but it’s stuff like this that really reminds us of that.

Let’s go, Kiddo… It was a fun weekend and in about 16 days, we get to have a proper holiday and we get to explore new cities, areas, beaches, cultures, foods, and life at whatever speed we decide to move at that day.  


jms said…
Um... I'm pretty sure that Kiddo has now mastered the "Phoebe run" from that episode of "Friends." I know you know what I'm talking about!!! ;-)

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