Weekend Fun Induction

We have a new addition to the house.  An induction cooker and pot.  Hot Pot is something J and I love and it’s something we think Kiddo will come around on if we don’t make it spicy, since she loves Pho and Ramen.  It’s something we’ve been talking about for a few months, but with summer and our Vietnam travels, we’ve been holding off.

That was a mistake.  

I’ve used it twice now.**  Once for a stir fry and once to boil potatoes.  It is significantly more powerful and quicker that the cooktop here.  Note to self; if next move is in SEA, get a hot pot set up ASAP!  Alternatively, find how the locals cook and do it like that.

Last night, however, J and I did a home date and we broke it in Hot Pot style.  We, obviously, are going to dial this in and tweak it so it fits our style a bit better, but for a first try I gotta say that it was phenomenal.  

I bring this up for two reasons.

First, Kiddo!

We were sitting around yesterday morning and it was a day off for the girls.  It was a nice Friday morning and we were being lazy.  I was talking with J and she mentioned that she was excited for dinner.  I teased her and asked her if she had big plans.  She told me she had a date.  

A date?  With who?

Just some guy I’ve known for a while.  He’s pretty cute.

Oh, well… as long as he’s cute.

Yeah!  And funny.  I like talking and hanging out with him.

Oh.  Is it serious?

Yup.  Super serious.  Some people might even say I love this guy!

WHAT?  LOVE HIM?????  WOW!!!

Yeah… don’t tell, but I might even give him a kiss after our date tonight.


I know.

At this point Kiddo jumps in….

DADA!  It’s YOU!!!!!!!!!!

J and I just lost it.  Kiddo was so earnest and proud of herself, like she had deduced a grand mystery in life.  We laughed for a few seconds before Kiddo also got the joke and started laughing with us.  It was super cute.

The other reason I bring this up is Produce Lady, The Feud Part Deux.

I walked over today with a shopping list of sorts.  I have the thin sliced pork and meat.  I have soup base.  I have the hot pot and cooker.  We have chopsticks and bowls and everything we need.  All we needed was produce.  Napa Cabbage, Lime, Onion, Basil, and Ginger were on my list.  Limes and onion were available and easy to grab.  The rest, I didn’t see.  Ginger is said King, so I asked and was told No.  Ok, I can make it work without.  That, particularly, is more of a preference, not a need.  Cabbage is Kahla (kA-lAH) and so I tried Kahla pla Napa and she nodded and grabbed on from her stash.  Basil is Horapha (HoRAH-pa) and looking at what I had, Produce Lady asks- “Tom Yum.. soup?”  

Well, I know Tom Som and Tom Yum.  Those are more shrimp and fish based and spicy, but mixed with coconut in the soup.  It also has unripened mango as well.  It’s a unique flavor and since I’m not big on fishy flavors, it’s not something that hits my palate that good.  I correct her and tell her “No, no.  Hot Pot… Ummmm… Moe-Fi?”  She lit up at this.  Oh! Moe-Fi!

She has a guy (I assume husband) that helps her.  As we were talking, he walks up and picks up on the convo.  They briefly chat and she then tells me, 200 baht.  Ummm… seemed expensive for a little cabbage and some limes, but ok.  I give her a nod and a thumbs up.

Then they go OFF!!!!!

I walked out with three bags of produce.  Big bags.  Lemon grass, basil, holy basil, leeks, two cabbages, two types mushrooms, tomatoes, bok choy, turmeric, garlic, scallions, another type of onion, and a few other things I can’t recall or couldn’t ID.  Basically, I got about 400 baht of produce for 200 baht.  I also think that PL generally likes me and us and knows that I cook, so she wants to hook me up.  Besides that, now I have a template for hot pot in the future.  

It was a great meal and a great night.  Kiddo was up once or twice during our date, but that turned into a plus as she wanted to try and told us it smelled “REALLLLLLLY GOOD!”  Also, it was TROOPER fun.  J and I had an absolute blast and we ate ourselves silly.  It was good.

Kiddo and J also got to go to a farm.  It was a scouting trip for J to see if it would be a good field trip location.  They had a blast.  They got to see some goats, pigs and piglets, and just have some fun.  Kiddo also got to make a kite.  They went with a colleague of J’s and he had two kids (Grade 2 and 5) and so Kiddo had some kids to play and interact with.  From what I’m told, a good time was had by all.

Beyond that, it’s a weekend.  J and Kiddo did climbing and we are doing the library and ramen as well.  J has some school work and work work to do, planning and lessons for the week and the like, but mostly, it’s a family weekend and we are just hanging out.

Kiddo was in full reader mode at the library.  As soon as she walked in and saw a new Ivy and Bean book she sat and dug in herself.  She is becoming such a little reader and writer.  It’s great getting her little notes or seeing signs and other things she creates to put up around the house.  At the rate she is going, we are going to need to start buying a ream of paper a week and a few rolls of tape.  There is no stopping her creativity and her fun.  She is a joy to watch.  

I broke away, since J and Kiddo go into book mode at the library and I normally just sit and read, so I went to a little cafe that is a block from the Ramen place we go.  When J and Kiddo caught up, I hung with Kiddo and looked over some books with her while J enjoyed an Orange Black (Orange Juice with Espresso- not my thing, but some people LOVE them and J has taken to them) and Kiddo and I read some.  After that, it was Ramen goodness and Kiddo was in it there as well.

Let’s go, Kiddo… It’s a long weekend and we’ve been having some fun.  Library and hot pot and ramen and climbing and all the rest, we want you to explore, experience, and smile in every moment.  We love you and can’t wait for the next adventure (China), the ups and downs of the year (Grade 1), and the adventure yet to come (where will J get her next job), but we hope to explore, experience, and smile with you through all of it.  We love you.

**Update- I've used it three times now.  Made pan seared pork chops and then made a mustard whiskey sauce to go with it.  I wish I had a bigger one and I wish I had a good wok.  Not worth it for the 10ish months we have left in Thailand and too hard to pack and move, but next time... next time!!!!!!!


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