Getting Wild in Threes

There are the three of us; A, J, and the Kiddo.

We lived, before moving to BKK, in SD, the third largest city in California.  Coincidentally, it was on Lat 33.

We made the choice to move here when Kiddo was 3 years old.  Also, keeping in the 3 theme, it was also 13 years that J and I had been together.

Our contract here was a 3 year deal.

And now, as I write this, we are down to three choices and three offers that we are deciding between.  

Even where we are deciding is a three.  I won’t spoil it by making it too obvious, but it’s in Asia/Pacific region.  

As we decide this and weigh our options, we did have a Saturday out.  We needed to drop off library books, so we did that, but today is the Literary Fair at The Neilson Hays Library, so we could only drop books off, not check any out today.  

That’s ok, we had lunch and coffee plans anyways.  The event just pushed that timetable up and it means that we won’t have library books for a few weeks, but with the books Kiddo has, plus the Epic Reading App on the iPad, plus her school library and books, I think we’ll survive a few weeks.

Kiddo was in a pink mood today.  Good thing I had my maroon shirt with me in my bag, because someone got cold in the cab and at lunch.  J did most of the pic taking while we were out.  I got more of the shots from the lift and condo.  

We had a blast.  However, J and I did talk about things we will miss.  We don’t have a signed contract yet, but with 3 offers pending, we are 99% sure (those pesky 3s again) that our time here is coming to a close.  We have about 8 months left here.  Washin Ramen is one of those places.  The NH Library also.  

As we do this, make these choices, plan this step and preplan for the next and the one after that, I can’t help but think and feel.  I research areas, cities, countries and I imagine what it would be like there.  How living would be.  Knowing what I know, especially after 3 years in BKK, it’s easier to imagine myself in these places.  To have a vague sense of smell and sounds.  I can hear a ghost of talking, the language unknown, but the patter and pattern of it familiar in its strangeness.  

Part of that, though, is taking in the experiences of others.  Asking and reading online and on social media sites like Reddit and Quora for further ideas of these areas.  Even turning to famous media, like Someone Feed Phil and Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations/Parts Unknown series and shows for a look of it, a feel, more than just words and amateur photos online.  

The opening of Bourdain, though, if you listen, is a good summation of our feelings on life.  Especially when you take a minute and listen to the lyrics.

I took a walk

In this beautiful world

Felt the cool rain 

On my shoulder

I found something good

In this beautiful world

I felt the rain 

Getting colder

Credit: Josh Homme and Mark Lanegan for the music and lyrics.

That’s us right now.  Even today we did that.  We took a walk in the rain in this wonderful and beautiful world we live.  We found something good.  We are taking a walk in this beautiful world.  We are on the look out for goodness, yummy food, little pockets of goodness, even if it is a noodle shop on the side of the road.  We’ve seen temples.  We’ve seen malls.  We’ve ridden on trains, but we’ve also used tuks.  We love finding the markets and seeing the offerings of each.  We’ve seen the tourist friendly places, but we’ve also found the little places that give us funny looks when we walk in, but then respect when we figure out how to order and then eat and enjoy.  

Because like the late Mr. Bourdain, we agree with his approach.  Find a place, pull up, and just try it.  It will be good, it won’t be expensive, and you will probably go back for seconds.  I’ll get, one day soon, a picture of the little BBQ Grill Bike guy that I’ve been getting lunch from these last few weeks.  Just a guy with a motorcycle with a grill attached who cooks it up right there on the street and then sells.  It is beyond good, but ya know what?  I’m not sick and I haven’t died yet.

We want to talk a walk in the beautiful world.  We want to find the good.  We like the rain on our shoulders.  

Let’s go, Kiddo… it’s time to have a weekend, the first one in a month or so that isn’t Mumma interviews and being busy.  We love you and we are excited for our next adventure with you.  As for the rest of you, go find and watch some old Bourdains.  They are fun.  Then, go talk a walk in the beautiful world.  If we bump into you, we’ll see if we can’t find something good together.


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