Life for you, Life for your crops.

Yesterday was Loy Krathong and it was a day for celebrating.  BASIS had an after school event that we attended.  It was games, fun, song, celebrating, and cotton candy.  Beer came with us as well.  A good time was had by all.  

I, also, had a conversation with Beer about the day.  It is a celebration of the River Goddess for bringing water and life, as the rivers swell and bring crops and health.  I was also told it was a day for young couples as it is a celebration of new life, etc etc.  I’m sure you can make the inferences that I made as well.  However, part of Loy Krathong having clothing and a style of dress is part of it as well.  As Beer explained; It’s like some birds that show pretty feathers for partners.  Actually, it’s all pretty cool.  One of those expat things, I guess.

Anyway, short post, but some good pics.  Cheers and Happy Holiday Season to all.

PS.  The blog title is a quote/reference to a work of fiction... Anyone???


jms said…
Not sure about the blog title but I like the updated header image and description. :-)
Lets Go Kiddo said…
Doc J

Thanks for noticing the header and pic. J missed that. LOL

The title... I won't ruin it for others yet, but you suggested (recently) a book to me by this author in our emails and I told you I would be a pass on that, due to my thoughts on the author. Don't know if that helps, but there it is.

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