Lots to do on a lazy weekend

We weren’t back to 100% this weekend, but we were close.  Kiddo and I still were on the backend of things, but generally speaking, back to better.  Energy was only about 85% and appetite still a bit lacking, but not like earlier in the week.  We made plans that were chill and spent the weekend doing just that.

On Saturday the Neilson Hays Library had a speaker.  Dr. Niamh Shaw of the European Space Agency talked about her experiences of prepping and launching a space shuttle and also her time and studies in Antartica.  She is a geologist and astronaut.  Her presentation was interesting, albeit, a bit dry for the intended age range.  It was interesting and she did talk a bit about her time in Antartica and the procedures, methods, and safe guards to ensure that the area stays as pristine and as close to “found” as it can be.  Examples are, you can not sit down on the snow or ice.  You can not place anything on the snow or ice.  Special boots need to be worn.  Decontamination processes both in and out of the Habitat.  Also, a ton of penguin pictures.  As I said, a bit dry at points, but over all, really interesting.  A thanks to the Neilson Hays Library and Dr. Shaw, if they should ever come across this.

We then returned and got new library books.  Some chapter books.  A book on Egypt and mummies, as that is a point of interest for Kiddo.  Then, it was off to lunch.  Before we head to lunch though, I need to mention books.  My reading has been on a bit of decline in the last month, but between illnesses, life, gaming with Kiddo, etc. I’ve lacked some time.  However, I was averaging two books per month last year.  I’ve recently gotten a few new titles and I find myself slipping back into reading in my down time or by myself during the day as I eat lunch, ride the tuk, etc.  So, my reading will uptick again.  The really cool news is I picked up Summerland by Michael Chabon recently, as it was on sale.  I read this book when it was released and yes, it is a Young Adult book, but the writing and story are amazing.  Part of the reason I picked it up is that I’ve only read it the once…. And that was 20 years ago.  I’ve been telling J, for the entirety of our relationship, that one day I would read that to my child.  Well, I don’t think Kiddo quite has the stamina and understanding for it yet, but I’m guessing in the next 1.5-2 years, she will be, so her and I can read that together.  Also, I get a fun, quick, quirky, and totally entertaining book to crush through.  

After the library, we headed to the Commons at Sala Daeng for lunch.  Kiddo, per usual, wanted fluffy pancakes.  J got the sausage and egg sando.  I went with loaded fries, spicy.  Nothing of note.  The food was good.  Nothing to give Michelin Stars over, but good.  Better than fast food, that I’ll say.  The real highlight of lunch at the Commons was Kiddo.

Here she is waiting on food.  Yes, she brought homework to lunch to do.  Just sitting there and working and chatting with me and J.  She was mostly working, but every few minutes, she’d pop her head up and ask or tell us something.  After lunch, we headed home and just rested.  Kiddo and I were done in and just needed to chill.  After rest time, her and I played and went out for coffee and Uno.

With the late lunch that was super filling, no one was very hungry.  Kiddo had a light meal at home.  When she went to bed at 2000h, J went across the street to the new Plurn Dee Market (Plurn Dee- best we can figure out, ask Nanny Beer, etc means Delightful Place or Place you don’t want to leave) for dinner.  J knows the place better than I do, so she went to get for us.  I was hoping for Krapow, but the stand was closed that night.  Instead, I got pork belly with chilis and garlic served with rice and an egg.  It was GREAT!  J had Pad Thai.  She said it was the best she’s had in Thailand so far.  Don’t get too excited.  Pad Thai is mostly and American dish.  Like most Chinese Food that you can find.  Gernal Tzo and his chicken don’t exist in China and is an American invention.  So, for Pad Thai, we don’t see it much and when we do, it is very very different than in the States.  

Sunday was another relaxing day.  In the morning, the ladies headed to BASIS to play.  The intention was to fly a kite.  Well, it was hot, humid, and still.  So, Kiddo got to play in the sprinklers more.  Why not!  I headed out to do some errands and the like.  They were home before I was and playing Connect4.  Super cute.  Kiddo and I played and hung out in the afternoon so J could work (course work and lesson planning) and just had a lay day at the house hanging out.  Around 15:30, J was done and we headed to Amazon to get drinks and play some family Uno.  Again, it was a great time.  After that, we headed next door to a place we’ve gone a few times, but we don’t know the name of because it’s in Thai.  It’s hot pot.  It’s good!  Also, Kiddo loves to smell the lotus flowers.

After that, it was home and some reading and hanging out and relaxing before Kiddo went to bed and J and I just hung out and week planned and all that.  It was a great weekend.  Relaxing.  Chill.  Very low urgency and energy.  We kind of just did things at our own pace.

Let’s Go, Kiddo… it’s Monday and back to the weekly grind, but we had a fun and relaxing weekend.  Next weekend will be busier, but hopefully, just as fun.  We love you and hope you have a great week and we can’t wait to hear all about everything you learned this week.


jms said…
What an amazing speaker to have at the library! Antarctica is on our bucket list, but it's definitely something that takes major planning (and resources).

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