Famous in Asia and a good view

It’s been a year and a half and we are still experiencing some firsts here in Bangkok.  The other night, I was making a new soup.  A creamy tomato tortellini pasta soup.  It was ok, but I have ideas to make it better.  However, I found a can of tomato paste for the soup.  Only I needed a can opener.  A year and a half in BKK and we haven’t needed a can opener yet.  Thankfully, I was able to borrow one, so I didn’t need to scramble to the Mall to get a can opener.  

The other first is the best one.  It was my first trip back to the airport.  I’d like to report that I was off to somewhere exotic and cool, but even better than that, Doc J and Mr E were landing and paying us a visit.  So, I headed to the airport to meet up and assist with the transition to Bangkok and life.  

It was wild going to the airport.  The only other time we’ve (or just me) have been back since landing.  When we landed, the airport was a ghost town.  It was mid-pandemic when we landed and because of that most of the country was still closed.  Finishing up with passport control and all of that, we got to baggage and collected all eight pieces that we had and once that was completed, we were taken directly to a van which took us directly to our Quarantine Hotel.  

Yesterday, however, the place was full of activity and life.  I got to the airport about 20 minutes before Doc J and Mr E landed and camped out with a book for about 30 minutes or so until they made contact.  From there, it was about a 15 minute wait for passport and baggage and all that.  Not a bad wait and it was chill.  Besides, I had a book.  Sabai Sabai, as we’ve learned to say.  

Leaving the airport, we came across this scene. 

I didn’t know Doc J and Mr E were so popular in SEA.  LOL.  From what I can find online, it looks like two K-Pop groups are in BKK for shows this and next week, so maybe it was for the show or maybe it was coming in a week early for Chinese New Year and press and all that.  I don’t really know, but the bands BLACKPINK and Stray Kids have shows.  It was, likely, one or both of those groups.  

After that, we (Mr E and Doc J and myself) made our way to their hotel and had dinner and some drinks and just hung out and caught up.  It was fabulous.  As was the views from their hotel and the roof lounge that we had access to for the evening.  Not a bad way to spend a first day in town.  

Outside of all that, we’ve just been doing us.  J and Kiddo headed out to a little place near us the other day to play while I did some cooking.  As you can see, Kiddo hated every second of it.  

We also found a new chip flavor.  Are they good… Sure.  They are umami boat noodle chips.  Strange and…. Boat Noodley.  That’s about the only thing I can say.  You need to have had boat noodles to know.  Because they do, uncannily, taste like boat noodles; only not soup.  Crispity crunchy.  But your mouth tells you it should be soup.  Strange.  And Boat Noodley.

More adventures tomorrow with Doc J and Mr E as they are coming to our hood for a bit to see the slice of BKK we call home.  Oh, and to experience the joy of a Thai foot massage.  Then, they will depart to ready themselves for dinner and J will come home and we will do the same before heading out.  Kiddo gets a Beer night (and some chicken noodle soup with LOTS of Carrots) and we get to adult a night and do so in great company.  So, needless to say, we are excited.  

Lastly, I was chatting with Kiddo this morning.  We were talking about last night and tomorrow night and just hanging out.  As we finished, I kissed her on the head.

Good Dada.  That was a good kiss.  You are finally learning good kissing.

Well, 45 years and multiple girlfriends plus marrying mumma and those 16 years; I would hope I’m good at kissing.

Nope… But you are now!

Let’s go Kiddo… Since I’m finally a good kisser, maybe you can teach me other cool stuff and we can teach Poley and the other friends as well.  


jms said…
Great pics from the hotel lounge! And yes, quite a lovely welcome to BKK for us. Such a treat to be met at the airport by a [sort of] local!

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