You got that Write!

Every family has there little quirks and sayings, expressions, and shorthands.  We have ours as well.  Kiddo’s blankies are “the fluffs”, we have a pigeon cooing sound (long story) for I love you, or even “Get a friend” when it’s time to go as a last thing - Shoes, Mask, grab a friend.  Kiddo knows that we are walking out currently and she needs to get her stuff together.

In this case, the other night, we were doing a Pick It Dinner.  That means J and I are ordering food (usually spicy or things Kiddo doesn’t eat) and Kiddo can pick her dinner.  Chicken and Rice or Noodles, eggs and tortillas, or whatever she wants.  We’re pretty accommodating with Kiddo on these as she never asks for anything overly complex.  I can make a chicken tender and rice in 20 minutes.  Or Noodles and chix.  Eggs and tortillas take 8 minutes.  It ain’t hard.  Besides, since we're not eating, we get to just sit with her and chat with her while she eats.  It's a nice way to just connect with her and family time.  We eat together most nights, but pick it nights are easy and just her, so we all can just hang and be on Kiddo Time.

The plus side of “pick it” nights are that J and I usually get Donar Kebabs, Indian (which Kiddo likes) but we don’t need to worry about heat or spice so we can get a little frisky with it, or other things we like that Kiddo just isn’t into or doesn’t like.  

With life and dinner worked out, I was out and across the street at the cafe there doing some writing and reading and just hanging out.  With “lil miss I’m good at being 5 just watch” at home, it can be hard to get quiet and things done some afternoons, so I’ll get an afternoon coffee or lime soda and just do me.  While I was there, I got a message from J that she was heading home and since I was close, she popped over for a five minute chat and smooch.  She had also had herself a day and wanted to chill.  She informed me she was heading home and wanted to just chill for a half hour before having to go back into 5 year old mode.  Teaching Kinder, she does a classroom full of 5/6 year olds all day.  I can see that some days she might want a little breather before starting dinner and evening with lil miss Kiddo.

A few minutes after she left me to my book I got a message from her.  Kiddo was with Nanny Beer, so I thought it would be a message letting me know that Beer was sent home early and Kiddo was watching a show or whatever mess was in the house (Beer and Kiddo are good at tidying up, but some days are just a war zone of toys and art and Kiddo) or something like that.


I get a few pics.  Of Kiddo sitting and writing Thai.  Just practicing her letters and writing.

I can’t say much about it, because I can’t read it.  I’m just amazed and astounded.  Even just this little bit is a key that can unlock so many more skills and languages.  Even learning something like code or CPU language is now easier for Kiddo, based on this alone.

J and I are both SUPER PROUD of Kiddo for taking this on and learning this.  On WANTING to learn and have some command of Thai.  

I know I’ve hammered this home before, but this is why (in part) we are doing this.  Kiddo knows Thai; more than she’ll let on.  And she can write the alphabet.  And she knows some words that she can write.  She can hear Thai and respond.  She doesn’t like to speak much Thai, but that’s an age thing.  As she gets older and we continue this wonderful journey, I’m sure Kiddo will get more confidence in herself and get bolder and want to speak and explore whatever language we currently live in.  And since she’s already got English and then Thai, it will make the acquisition of future languages so much easier.  

Then, as I got home and took charge of the tidy up and all that, Kiddo and Beer sprung into action.  The really cool part is that Beer wasn’t speaking English to Kiddo.  The entire 15 minute clean up (that included art clean up and vacuuming) was Beer speaking in Thai.  I didn’t understand much of it.  I could pick up little words and things here and there, but 99% of it I was in the dark.  Kiddo, however, never had to ask again or second guess.  She just knew it.

That’s a huge thing and I am so so so proud of Kiddo.  On top of that, she is also learning to read and write in English as well.  And maths.  And science.  She used a computer the other day and will have a chance to 3D print something in the coming weeks.  Art and music classes are weekly.  Dance and Drama as well.  She’s getting experiences and opportunities that would have never been available to her in the States.  But she is also acquiring a second (third if you count the tiny bit of Spanish she got and retained from Miss Mabel) and she is loving it.  She comes home or I pick her up and she is bursting to tell me or us about Space or Planets or Dance or whatever that day and then we need to build a lesson so she can set up her Pre-K “friends” at home and teach them.  Miss Kiddo and Mr Dada teaching, or Miss Kiddo and Miss Beer… And then she teaches a class about whatever spelling or math or science concept she learned and is excited about.  

Even yesterday, after school pick up, we got home and did snack and chilling, but then we needed to read her new school library book to the Pre-K class.  Poley, for his part, had some REALLY good questions, but Miss Kiddo handled them all with ease and did a great job doing her part of the read aloud.  She read a book to her stuffed friends and me!!!!!  Yes, it was grade and age appropriate, but still…. She read aloud to me and friends.  She also read aloud in class that day to her actual friends and peers.  

Proud doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Let’s go, Kiddo… It’s Saturday, but it’s time to do the weekend and make pancakes and just have a day to be and love and laugh and live.  

An afterthought;

8 days until the Chinese New Year.  Things might be busy here and Doc J and Mr E are coming into BKK on Wednesday.  There might be some radio silence, but I’ll do my best to post pics and vids as appropriate.  Cheers and Happy New Years (year of the Rabbit) to one and all in case I miss y’all during the events and celebrations.


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