We're moving WHERE?????
It was three years ago, the day after the 2020 election, that we decided to start this adventure. Well, it’s not an adventure, it’s life; at least for us it is. We have learned so much in our first experience as Expats and living this life. We have learned to humble ourselves, to be gracious to those around us, and to make mistakes that we can learn from. We’ve learned a bunch of Thai and will spend the rest of our lives Wai*ing (that’s the palms clasped bow that’s traditional in Thai) and Kiddo will hear Jai yen yen (Chill out) for a while, I think.
Today is a milestone, though. Three years ago we made the choice to move. Three years ago, to the day, J set up and brought her profile online to start looking and applying for jobs. That was the turning point. That was the action that started all of this. If we made the decision to move and then never applied, it would have all been talk, but we put action to those words and thoughts and now here we are.
As interviews came, second interviews, third interviews, schools flying J to different cities and countries to interview, the three of us talked about what we wanted, where we hoped, and what would be deal breakers. It was exciting, busy, hectic, stressful, amusing, fun, and filled with so many open tabs to convert currency, look at cities, do research on everything about those places. Cost of living, car need, public transit, food, culture, politics, stability of region/country, treaties, travel within and without, coffee, shipping and receiving, ease of guests visiting, and a million other things.
At the end of the day, we decided that we needed to be back on Lat 33. It was the best offer for us. We’d have liked any of the choices, but when we decided, it was like a rock slipping off our shoulders. It just felt…. Right. It’s hard to explain. It’s different than just moving. We will be in a new city, new country, new culture, new language, new new new.
Because, going from America to Thailand was jumping in the deep end. Trust me on that. Especially with a child aged 4. During a global pandemic. Yeah, we ARE those people. Yeah, we ARE made of that tough of stuff.
Now, though, we will be getting out of the deep end and jumping straight into the middle of the ocean.
We will, come next year, be moving to the third largest city IN THE WORLD. Yeah, that’s what all the 3s have been about. The third largest city in the world.
I’ll save you the google, don’t worry — Tokyo, Deli….
Shanghai, China will be our home starting in August 2024.
Home to an estimated 28-31 million people. The job and school are in town, unlike our adventure in BKK. I’m not talking its right in the middle of Shanghai, but it won’t be an hour plus into town, like it is here. We will be, in provided housing, approx 7 min walk to the train line and that gives us access (from what we’ve been told) to about 80% of the city with ease.
There is so much to say, but I can’t even start. It’s not that I don’t want to say something, it’s that we literally signed yesterday and are still taking it all in and putting it all together. We have to also close out our lives here.
We will, for the future planners, be in The States for 3ish weeks this summer. We are targeting CO, PNW, or maybe the Carolinas. Gonna depend on what Shanghai says about our flight and best airport to leave from. If LAX or SFO, we will stay west coast. If it’s JFK or DCA, we will go East. We will, of course, let those who want to see us know and work on coordinating that. Reach out and stay on my radar and I’ll get back to planning that in Feb or March of 2024. Think July. You can email or poke the comments and I’ll put it on radar from there.
As for Shanghai, we love visitors. We will offer assistance with VISA process, since we know it well and know how hard it can FUBAR you, so start early and triple check. Again, if you want to visit, reach out and I will do my best to assist and guide.
Also, I don’t want to build and embed a poll, so we can do a rough voice vote….
We are thinking that some of you might want to see us or Kiddo, but won’t be able to do so, or maybe you’ve missed some Kiddo bdays and Xmas and would like to send something. We’re thinking of setting that up. We will have limits on size, weight, etc, but I was thinking if anyone wants to send that, since we will be in the States, we could set up a shipping address or something like that. Keep it simple and just give me a yes or no in the comments on if you’d like a shipping addy to send us or Kiddo gifts or the like.
Otherwise, it starts Monday. Monday, 13 November, I will set up The Command Post and handle requests, travel, visa, packing, info in and out, and the daily tasks that are required to make this move as smooth as possible. On the good news side, we’ve f&$#ed the Visa process three times already, so we know it cold. And, instead of 8 weeks, we have 8 months this time…. And a whole school and staff to assist us.
Let’s go, Kiddo… we are moving to Shanghai China and we can’t wait to start exploring the new city and culture with you. We will have seasons again, not just hot. You might even see some snow. You will get to be in China for Chinese New Year. We love you and can’t wait to see you grow and flourish in a new place.
Oh, and here’s some pics of Laundry Helper Kiddo and Bike Grill Food guy. Cheers until next time and I can’t wait to see the pokes and messages we get.