A week's worth of hotness

Lots to catch up on, since I’ve not been blogging much this last week.  It’s just been tasks and little things to do and on top of that I went into town this week.  

Kiddo has been Kiddoing, so that’s pretty much normal.  Over the weekend, her and J got to the climbing gym.  They’ve not been in a while, but that’s because the gym changed locations and has a whole new build-out.  They also have a new kids area to climb.  As you can see, Kiddo was all over it.  

They also have a slide.  Kiddo was… less than impressed.

She also got to experience a balance board.  

After that, they went to Lotus next door and there was a KCF in the complex and Kiddo was in a munching mood, so they got chicken.

Plus, lil miss reader was just reading.

She’s so sweet and so full of life and curiosity.  She loves trying things, new experiences, new foods (she’d never had KFC before), her excitement to travel this summer, to do it all.

On that note, she was talking with me walking to school today about learning Thai and how it’s cool that she knows Thai.  Also, she’s excited to get stamps in her passport.  And wondering if she will learn to talk in China like she did in Thailand or if it will be harder or easier or maybe just the same.  She also is excited to hear people speaking in Mexico because she’s “never even heard that before” except when me or J will throw out little words or phrases.  

Changing gears a bit, I’ve spoken a lot recently about how we trust her and hope to build that trust back with ourselves.  That we will trust her with music or life or situations and let her lead or put in her two cents.

I bring this up because the other day we had a morning with Weeping Beauty.  I got it on film and it’s ridiculous!  I sent it to J that morning so she had a heads up as to everyone’s mood.  Then, that night, we spoke to Kiddo about it, talked it out with each other and came up with some strategies, and had a parent giggle about it.  In rewatching Lil Miss Meltdown, I thought it was benign enough that I could post it.  J didn’t.  She thought it might be over the top and embarrassing for Kiddo.  “How would you feel if someone took a vid of you melting down and vulnerable and posted it online?” 

Good point.

So I thought on it.  How would I feel?  Could I post the vid of Kiddo?  Would it embarrass her?  

I didn’t know what to do and then, suddenly, I did.

Last night, I pulled up the video and I showed it to Kiddo herself.  She laughed at her own ridiculousness.  I then asked her if I could post it to the blog for everyone to see.

“Wait!  You want to blog my crying?”


“That’s a strange thing to blog.”

True, but look at you crying about never being happy again the other morning.

<Giggle> “Yeah!  I am ridiculous.  You can post it, that’s ok.”

Are you sure?  People will see you cry, is that ok?

“Yup.  Everyone cries, so it’s ok.”

She’s 7 and that’s old enough (in our opinion) to ask if it’s ok to post a pic or vid of her.  If she would have said no, I wouldn’t post this.  So, this is posted with her permission.

Without further ado, I present to you….


See, isn’t she just over the top.  The real kicker is that, coming home that day with Nanny Beer and it was “Best day ever!”

Lastly, in the new Plurn Dee market they have opened the nail shop that Kiddo got hers done at a few weeks ago.  J stopped in during Songkran break and got hers done as well.  She was at school and in her room doing some cleaning and set up for after break.  Kiddo was with Nanny Beer and I was either tasking or maybe blogging, but I was in and out also.

J poked me (right about 15:00) that she was almost done, going to head home, but planning on stopping at Plurn Dee for a juice or coconut smoothie or the like.  Fine with me, dinner is at 17:30ish and I’m just getting home and I will toss Beer around 15:45 or so and Kiddo can do a show.  Would it be ok if the nail place wasn’t busy if J got her nails done.  Again, dinner 17:30ish, so that’s fine.

Cool.  She got her nails done.  Good for her.  The cool part was that the woman at the shop took some pics of the final product and the other day on Instagram, the shop posted some of their “best” from the last month showing off styles and the work and one of the pics they used was J’s nails.  Don’t they look awesome.  Please excuse the bandages on J’s fingers, working with Kinder Kiddos and prepping for Kinder Kiddos leads to a lot of paper cuts and the like. I just thought it was cool that J’s fingers made the post, but then, I think J is pretty cool.

Monday is a day off for the girls.  I think it is Coronation Day, but it could be Labor Day observed.  Labor Day was on Wednesday and I know that because I was in town to sell some books so we could cut down on ballast that we need to move around the world with us. It was a good day, but HOT.  It was about 40C (104F) according to my watch and the Feels Like temp was 47C (117/118F).  From the train to the bookstore was 700m and thankfully mostly shaded.  From there I went to a cafe and just read my Kindle for an hour.  Mostly to have AC.  After that I got lunch, took the train back, stopped at Tops for some bread to go with he soup we were having for dinner, and then home.  3 bottles of water and an Iced Cold Brew coffee later and I still lost about 25 pounds of water weight.  It was something and my shirt and the bandana I was wearing were, by then, about 90% sweat and 10% material.  

Oh, and I did a snack run again the other night and I found these.  We popped them open and J looked at me..."HOW do they do this?"  Can't wait to see the other flavors we find in China, Mexico, and wherever else we travel in the next decade or so.

Let’s go, Kiddo… you have a three day weekend upcoming and we are going to have some fun.  We are also going to live in the pool when we aren’t doing something because the temps are supposed to stay high through the weekend.  Come on monsoons, bring your waters to us!  Remember, every weekend is one weekend closer to the summer trip and then Shanghai.  Enjoy it and make sure your Basis friends are well versed in Ranzan and how to lead the Detective Ninja Agency because next year it will be headquartered in Shanghai.  We love you and can’t wait for the next adventures with you.


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