Gut Punched

It’s been a weekend.

Friday started with Kiddo going to school with J in the morning.  I still had to be awake and present to help J by keeping the Kiddoball rolling.  Clothes, hair, allergy meds, brush teeth, etc etc.  

As you can see, Kiddo and J had a Mumma/Kiddo morning.  Some tea and peanut butter toast.  Kiddo has taken to a tea that J found.  An apple cinnamon tea.  Kiddo loves it and we just brew and steep as normal and then toss in an ice cube.  She is the cutest.

Friday after school, Kiddo and I have made a mini-tradition of stopping at Plurn Dee for a fruit smoothie.  Kiddo has been digging on tengmo (watermelon) and not only did she use her Thai to order, she helped me with payment as well.  That was in part to me having my bag, her bag, an umbrella, and a few other items in hand.  Then it was home to much excitement.  See, Snow had won the Ranza Olympics.  We had to do a newspaper report on her accomplishments.  Gotta admit, she was sassing it up in the newspaper photos.  Look at that sly smile and goofy pose.  Silly Polar Bear.  LOL

Aside from that, Poley is studying up on Leonardo Da Vinci.  We didn’t want to interrupt him too much, so we got a sneaky pic.  

I do have to admit, Kiddo is getting better at her pic taking.  That might come in relevant this summer, but we shall see.  

Just some fun times in KiddoLand.  After that, we had a Plurn Dee dinner and Kiddo and J got their nails and toes done.

Saturday was going to be more Kiddo fun— J was going to a baby shower for a colleague and so I was on Kiddo from 11:20ish until ???.  We did need to do some grocery shopping and that would mean Central, but that wouldn’t kill 3-7 hours, would it?

Well, IF was playing here and Kiddo was HYPED to see it, so we had a Dada/Kiddo date.  We had lunch and chilled at home.  Around 13:30 (1:30pm) we left for Central and walked up to the theater.  Got two tix and Kiddo wanted a popcorn and soda.  Easy enough and done. 

The film was… Interesting.  The opening is very UP in that it starts with a set up that is sad.  We spent the first 25ish min of the film watching and I was a little worried.  It was still setting up and not very fun.  Then it got nuts!  The next 70ish min were just a ride.  The film is fun. Funny.  A bit confused if it’s a Kid’s movie, a family movie, a tween movie, or what.  It ended up as a strange mix of all.  Kiddo loved it, calling it better than The Bad Guys and Sonic which, to this point, act as Kiddo’s movie measuring stick.  So, Kiddo loved it and she was enraptured.  Seriously, she spend about 70% of the movie, just absolutely bought in and leaning all the way forward in her seat.  

When I say leaning forward, that doesn’t do it justice, but I wasn’t about to pull out my phone and snap pics mid-movie.  She was sitting and she would lean forward and put her elbows on her ankles and she watched that way.  Imagine a high diver’s pike form and that is how Kiddo watched most of the movie.  She was just taken in.

As for me, as I said, it was fun, but a bit confused as to what it was.  That and pacing took it to a B/B+ for me, but I’ve seen people online say it’s a C-/D+ and others calling it a solid A and a “reimagining of the family and kids genre”.  I wouldn’t go that far on praise, but I also wouldn’t go as low as C/C-.  I may be biased, as the film hit some personal notes, especially with my medical history.  I was, I’ll admit, openly weeping at the end.  Kiddo was piked over and never noticed and I could wipe my face, but it really got to me at the end.  Also, it had a bit of The Sixth Sense twist to it that made it fun as well.  I was a fan.

We did errands after that, getting Kiddo some allergy med and a nasal spray.  We also go J a med she needed.  The rest of what we needed was groceries, but it was 16:45 (4:45pm) and we needed dinner.  Cool and off to McDs we go.  With that done and Kiddo fed, we head off to Tops for groceries.  Finally, as we leave, we stop for an ice cream treat.  We got home and it was almost 19:00 so we did good to kill the hours we needed and have some fun.  J was home and she took over on Kiddo and I did a few other errands on the day.

Sunday was a day.  I woke and it was a normal Sunday.  J needed to prep and do some school work.  I was planning on giving her time and I’d be on Kiddo in the afternoon so J had free time.  We had breakfast, I went to the market, I was having coffee and J and Kiddo went out and played for a bit and did their own thing.  By the time they got home, I was feeling terrible.  Body aches, flop sweat, no energy, pain in my joints, etc.  I tested for Covid and came back negative.  I spent the rest of the day in bed.

Yesterday was better, but not great.  I was still run down.

Well, the theory we are all working on is that when my crown exploded, I swallowed about 1/2 of that.  That set off my diverticulitis.  For a week, no problems, but Friday when we did Plurn Dee, I got a little bit of bad chicken or something and that caused the flare up to turn into a FLARE UP.  

I’m back on my soft diet for a bit and on antibiotics.  I’m feeling better, but this serves as a reminder that my diverticulitis is a lifelong battle and that I need to be diligent in that.

Besides that, we are 40 days from leaving and just plugging right along.  In the next few weeks, we will start packing and closing out and that will just intensify until we leave.  It’ll be busy and a lot is yet to be done, but we are on top of it all.  

We’re looking forward to the trip and we are getting excited for Shanghai; it’s going to be unlike anything we’ve ever done.  It’s going to be a rush of fun and friends, it’s gonna be exhausting some days, it’s gonna be chill and restful at points, but all in all, it’s going to be an adventure unlike anything any of us has ever done.

Let’s go Kiddo, there is much yet to do, but much fun that will bring us.  Thanks for being our little love and having fun days with me at movies or just hanging out at home.  We can’t wait to explore with you this summer.  To chill with you.  To eat and hang out and hear your thoughts on life and America and Mexico and the trip and travels and flights and everything else.  Keep being the Kiddo that you are and we love you.


jms said…
Wow, only 40 days until the big transition! What an adventure you all will be undertaking. I look forward to hearing all about it and to our meet up in SF. Hope the timing works out per the info in my email re: Amtrak travel from SMF for me. Glad to see Poley is catching up on some of his cultural reading. :-)

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