11 and counting
With two weeks left until it’s go time, as we started to pack and close down the house, and as we start the process of leaving BKK, there was a side errand that needed to be recognized.
See, yesterday, J and I had our 11th anniversary.
We didn’t blow the doors off or do anything overly exciting. We ended up deciding on The Commons SalaDaeng as it gave us a variety of options and they have the beer bar there, so we could get a selection of beers and foods and try a few things and just have a night of it.
We scheduled it all with Beer and she came to hang with Kiddo for the night. We headed out and it was a good time.
Tried a few things, starting with dumplings and the like.
We decided on another round of beers and we needed some nibbles to go with it, so why not get some curly fries!
After that, it was time for some burnt vanilla with pistachio ice cream.
As for the beers, J started with #6 (we’ve come to like Thai IPAs) and I went with #4, as I’m a sucker for a good Pilsner. Round 2 and J went #9 as she loves a good White IPA and I went with #7 Pale Ale.
It wasn’t a late night and we didn’t party until the wee hours. We got home, saw Beer off, loved Kiddo, and we were in bed by 10:30. Yes, we are old people. LOL
Today, I am (for the last time in BKK) making soup. We’ve just been chilling. I ran to Tops so we could have soup. J and Kiddo went to drop some things off at Basis and run around the playground. They are up at the pool now, but I wanted to blog, so I skipped that. Tonight, we are going to watch Toy Story as a family and just have a family night.
Happy Anniversary to J and I love you. I can hardly believe it’s been 11 years and I really can’t believe our relationship is old enough to vote this year. We’ve had some adventures. We’ve had some fights. We’ve had a bunch of good days, some bad, and a few of the in between days. We’ve traveled across the globe to restart life together with a 4 year old, during covid. We survived Quarantine. We’ve survived seven years with Lil Miss Don’t Stop.
Here’s to you, to us, and to our family. Let’s have another 11 great years. Let’s keep adventuring, loving, and being us. I wouldn’t be me without you. Kiddo wouldn’t be her without us. End of the day, you are my favorite person to fall asleep next to, wake up next to, and just drink coffee with.
Let’s go, Kiddo… It’s Mumma and my anniversary and that love brought us you, but it also brought us each other. We can’t wait to keep the adventure going with you, seeing what’s next and celebrating 22 years together, and then 33, and then 50, and then… However many we can get. We love you too and we are so happy that we have each other so we could have you.
PS. We were coming home and wanted to stop at 7Eleven for a soda for me and a yogurt for J and then we decided to get one last beer to split and we saw our favorite Soi Dog just crashed in the doorway. We're going to miss BKK!