Giving it a shot

I have no idea why I need to keep sitting down at this keyboard angry.  We are 188 days into 2022 and the US has had 200+ mass shootings.  Yet, there are 50 Senators that have been sitting on laws that could change that for YEARS!  YEARS!!!!!

And for a political party that has spent 50 years talking about kids, life, and the right to life… Yeah, well, 19 kids just died.  Couldn’t have any of them cured cancer?  Won a Nobel Prize?  Discovered a new medical procedure?  Etc etc etc.

Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit!

Don’t tell me that you care about kids when you refuse to feed them, protect them, or even provide a piece of legislation that might help ease that.

Because since Sandy Hook we’ve taught kids to shelter in place.  To barricade doors.  To avoid an active shooter.  

We can’t pass a law to protect those kids, instead passing the responsibility to KIDS!!!!


Why did we leave MuriKKKa?????

So Kiddo wouldn’t get shot in the head while trying to LEARN!

You can’t defend it.

And if you try… You are just evil.

Protect life… Until born and then pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Protect life…. Unless it’s not a white life.

Protect life…. PASS A F*******G GUN LAW!

Because, we act and think toward the future.  That’s her!  Sitting on my lap watching a movie and catching me taking a pic.  Or eating a cashew.  Or just being her.  THAT’S how we vote.   For her.  NOT our ideals or thoughts, but her future ideals and thoughts.  Because that’s why we had kids.  Not to mow our lawn or shovel our snow, but to live and have freedom.  

Do I want my taxes to go up?  No!  But they do anyway.  Not that BILLIONAIRES have to worry about it, they are virtually untaxed.  It would be nice to see that go towards progress and not some imagined regression to 1950 when “America was great”.  

Approx 90% of Americans want gun control laws and harder background check laws and STILL those bills are sat on or not passed.  Want to go back to 1950????  Fine, let’s go.  Because a number of great works (the interstate highway systems, space travel and exploration, the civil rights movements, etc) all were seen as slam dunk passes on those bills with ~70% public support.  Now, we have 90% support for something and we STILL can’t get it even voted on and if it were, it would NOT pass and we put the same people in office again and again.

And I’m the radicalized one because I’ve been screaming this from the rooftops for 20+ years?  

How about you stop shooting kids (or excusing the shooting of kids) in the name of 2A freedom, because freedom doesn’t mean you CAN own a gun, it means you have the RIGHT to own a gun.  You have the RIGHT to drive a car as well.  Betcha if I had 200+ Drunk Driving arrests with an average body count of 11 kids, NO ONE would tell me I still have the right to drive.  Yet, every damned day, MuriKKKa has a shooting death, but that’s a RIGHT and YOU CAN’T TAKE MAH FREEDUMS!!!!!

Let’s go Kiddo… We want better for you than a moment of silence before the next big NFL game.


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