Burn and Crash

We journeyed over to the mall last night for Friday Big Girl Night.  Food court and then playing.  We struck out at the food court.  It was sub-par and not that great.  We all, basically, ate some of the food, but mostly just ate rice.  It was disappointing.  But, lesson learned and we won’t go back to that stall, but usually we have had middle luck with the food court.  Passable and ok, not great.  But, for 140 baht for a family of three to have meals and drinks, it’s worth the risk and trying new places.

After that, we earned our bedtime.  Kiddo had a blast and made a Thai friend.  We watched as they ran buck wild.  J and I got a chance to just sit and hold hands and chat and watch the Kiddo go wild.  Slides, bouncing, friends, ball fights, ball fights with the friend vs Dada, and trips to the hospital and doctor that was at the play place, we had some other group of kids run over or bike over and hand us food (two burgers, a salad, and a truckload of sushi) and then yell, Baht!  Money!  Paying! at us.  When I inquired as to who they were… Grab.  Grab.  Food.  Pay baht!  Grab, on top of rides, you can get food.  Like Uber Eats.  But it was fun and funny seeing a group of kids that set up in the market and kitchen areas turning out food and Grabbing it to random people for baht.  I think I gave the kid 2x 10,000 baht, 3x 5,000 baht, and a couple of 1 baht money bill things that the play place had.  I got 50,000 baht change.  I don’t know how that works either.  But, I gotta tell ya, the service was sharp, the food was fake, and the driver was demanding.  However, it was the best I’ve ever had.  Kiddo complained that her sushi was too much salmon.  Good thing we brought Poley with us!

As you can see, from where we got there, Kiddo is just bursting with excitement and energy.  At the end of our 2 hours, we went to leave and Kiddo was insistent on a Tuk home.  She was “so tired” of walking.  We got home and she damned near put herself to bed.  She also kicked me out during cuddles.  “Dada, I’m Sooooooo tired.  You can hug and then kiss my fairy saddle quick.  I might not even want a lip kiss, just a fairy kiss and then go so I can do sleeping.”  She then slept in until 7:35 (usually up between 6:30-6:45 most Saturdays) and J and I got some extra snoozing.

Tomorrow might be more of the same.  See, J and I got Nanny Beer for a few hours tonight.  We are going out to get some cocktails and munchies.  I’m sure tomorrow will be pics and blog about that, but we get to adult tonight and Kiddo and Nanny Beer can watch a movie and do an 8pm bedtime and Kiddo can have an exciting night of hanging with Nanny Beer and staying up late again.

Lastly, to all my “Blame Biden” folks.  For inflation.  For gas prices.  For Baby formula shortages.  Let’s remember something.  

  1. A president isn’t king or god.  They are subject to rules and laws as well.  They can’t just change prices because they want to do so.  
  2. Congress and the Senate could do something about this.  
  3. The Republicans in Congress are blanket against.  Gas price fixing… Nope.  Baby Formula investment and production… Nope.  Regulating the markets to ease inflation while taxing billionaires… Nope!

Why, then, do we keep putting them in office?  They obstruct time and again.  Because Abortion… That 78% of Americans think should be legal and see it as a medical procedure.  Will of the people????

Bu… bu… BUT!!!!  Life starts at conception.  Ok, fine.  Can I get insurance for my fetus?  No, it’s not a live person.  Food stamps or gov’t assistance for the mother during pregnancy?  No, she just needs to bootstrap.  Formula and assistance and time off after birth… No!  Get back to work.  If you can’t afford a baby, why’d you have a baby???  BECAUSE YOU MADE ME!!!!!! (See above)

How about guns?  Reagan, G Dubya Bush, Trump.  Those are the last three Presidents that signed any kind of law on guns; and all three signed laws limiting gun owners rights.  Not a Dem on that list… But the Dems are gonna take your guns.  Try again!!!!!

Fiscal responsibility.  Carter, good economically, outside of behind the scenes influence from people like Roger Stone and Bill Burr to tank him.  Clinton boomed the economy, only to see G Dubs tank it.  Obama recovered it.  Only to see Trump tank it.

So, why?  Why do you keep voting for a party that has spent 50+ years lying to you and pissing in your face telling you it’s just rain.  VOTE.  THEM.  OUT!

Because I wonder what America would look like with governance that cared about its People.  Listened to the Will of its People.  And looked to the future instead of pointing at 1950 as the high point of America promising (somehow) to get America back there.

Nope.  Gotta play to the minority 20-25% Evangelical folks… cuz… Ummmmm…. Cuz…. You see… it’s just… Well… OBAMA ONLY THANKED GOD 3 TIMES IN HIS LAST STATE OF THE UNION!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, Abe Lincoln NEVER invoked God in any of his State of the Unions.  Neither did FDR.  1956 is when it was added to Money.  A few years after that, it was added to the pledge.  So, the constitution has nothing to do with it. 

Open your eyes.  Think.  Remember.  

Because you can fix it.  Vote.  On what’s best for ALL.  Not what’s best for you in the now, but for all in the future.  Because that’s where we’re headed.  Into the future.  Not back into 1950, but INTO THE FUTURE.  Vote with that scope in mind.  Because we are headed into the future, if you like it or not, we advance.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we advanced as AMERICANS and not as Dems or GOPs, but AMERICANS.  Until then, MuriKKKa will reign and that is good for no one.


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