In the mix

Kiddo makes every day a little better.  Even on mornings like today when it was tears and I don’t want to go to school, I want to play and have a Dada lunch day like we used to and all that.  We just hugged it out and then, as a bonus, Kiddo got to pick out my shoes.  She, of course, loved what I did with the laces so she was hyped.  She told me that one day she wanted to pick my laces and every shoe would have a different color and be mixed up Dada shoes.

I like that about Kiddo.  She’s not bound by rules, even with herself.  When she was at Miss Mabel’s she had a few pairs of shoes, but they all were the same brand.  Either iKiki or Robeez, but I liked to get her outfits and shoes and so she usually had 2-3 pairs of each.  She, as soon as she was old enough to have agency, would want to wear her shoes mix-matched.  We never corrected her on mix-matched because How Cute!!!!! Also, who cares if she wears mixed shoes.  She’s 3 and who cares.  Hell, she could be 33, if she’s comfortable and confident that way, who am I to say.  This, from the guy with a bumblebee bag and shoe laces that are poppin’ anyway, so take it with a grain of salt, but it’s nice to see her freedom and creativity.  Maybe if more of us thought like that… But I digress.

Pink Dino pants with a greenish flower shirt.  Blue and Orange outfit (the skort looks black, it was blue) with pink shoes and mask and a zebra friend.  The rule is whatever she’s happy and comfortable in; Because she knows not to dress too hot and if she does, we call it to her attention and she usually changes her mind.  Or too cold - Kiddo, you can’t wear a tank top and little shorts, you have about negative 6% body fat, you are gonna freeze in AC all day.  Can I wear it and bring a fluff sweatshirt then?  Compromise.  Done!  But with that, all that work and then a light blue fluffy sweatshirt to wear over it.  How many colors you got going on Kiddo???

That’s the point, though.  She’s happy and confident and comfortable.  She’s not saying she’ll wear it and then freezing, she’ll wear it and be happy and comfortable and just the coolest kid in the crew.  I mean, I only gave a quick scroll through our photo album and I found all of these.  

I was once asked, by someone I knew at my old job, what I wanted or hoped Kiddo would be when she grew up.  My answer was simple.  I hope that she’s safe, happy, and loved.  She can be gay.  Straight.  Trans.  Non-Binary.  A plumber.  A vet.  A teacher.  A hairdresser.  She could be an Oscar winner, a Grammy winner, or just a person.  As long as she is safe, happy, and loved.  If that means mix-matched shoes and funky colors, so be it.  

So, when I told her she could pick my shoes, I needed to close my eyes so it could be a surprise.  A surprise it was.  LOL

Yet, 2 hours after I dropped her, as I sit and write this, not a thing has changed.  Why not!  If it’s good enough for Kiddo and she wants to walk with school to me this way and doesn’t care, then I don’t either.  It’s fun.  Funky.  And so very very much Kiddo.

Let’s go, Kiddo…. It may be just a walk to school, but let’s get funky and have some fun.  I love you!


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