
I dropped Kiddo at school this morning and it was a little sad for me.  After a week of having her and J around, I’ll admit that it’s a little strange having a whole day in front of me without them around.

Firstly, I want to brag about Kiddo for a minute.  She was running and jumping and just being the best five year old that she knows how to be and I asked her why we walked to the mall when she could just use her skills to jump us there.  She went to the fridge where we’ve installed a whiteboard magnet for her to write and draw on and she drew this.

In it, she explained that (left side) is our condo.  The mall (Bigger building on the right) is over here.  

So, Dada, alone, I could jump it.  See.  But, if I had a Dada on my shoulders doing a Dada shoulder ride jump and I wouldn’t make it.  See the line that suddenly stops and then falls to the ground?  She was showing me that alone, she could jump it, but if a Dada was on her shoulders, straight down.

She then proceeded to cross off the mall in purple, showing that she couldn’t make the jump.  I won’t go into details, since that’s J’s area of expertise, but I think the ability to reason and draw that out shows incredible learning and skills.  

Also, Kiddo was incredibly brave this break as well.  See, she has a friend in class, her “best friend ever.”  Her name is ChuChu.  We had ChuChu over for a playdate.  Kiddo had her first ever playdate at home with her friend.  Now, as we are all reading this, I know what you’re thinking.  It’s a playdate.  Kids do that all the time.  What’s the big deal?

Well, Kiddo invited a new friend to her house.  To play with her stuff.  And eat her food.  Around her parents.  That can be a nerve racking thing.  What if J and I were embarrassing?  What if ChuChu thought her toys and house was babyish or boring?  I can only imagine the anxiety and excitement of a five year old having her first friend over.

The morning was a bundle of nervous energy and anticipations.  The come down and aftermath were work as well.  Kiddo handled it all like a champ, I’d say.  Yes, it was a lot of work.  Yes, J did more than I did to give them projects and fun, but that is her everyday and she knows better than I do, but I was around and it was a team effort.  

The girls played.  J took them to the pool to splash and swim.  They did crafts.  We could overhear them playing and talking and just being two little girls together all day.  It was so much fun.  And sweet.

And ChuChu is so sweet.  She was kind and polite and a joy to have around.  Also, I had gotten a wave and hello from ChuChu twice, but nothing more.  I wasn’t sure if this girl was shy or not.  If she had a voice or not.  She was talkative and fun.

My favorite moment was lunch.  J and I thought that, with ChuChu being Thai, we could offer market food and get the girls something from the market.  Nope!  Kiddo wanted Peanut butter and Jelly.  That is NOT a Thai dish at all, so we still offered ChuChu market food if she’d prefer it.  “No!  I will try peanut butter and jelly.  I’ve never eaten California food before.”

California food!!!!!  Kiddo must have told her about this and what it was and that she’d had it all the time in California and with that info, ChuChu’s mind determined that PBJ is Cali food.  It was the sweetest, cutest, most sincere five year old thing.  They had that, split an apple, and had some crisps.

Other than that, Kiddo and I needed to run to Tops for a few dinner things and we got more flowers while we were there.  Kiddo picked the combo.  It works!

Let’s go, Kiddo… you are brave and smart, funny and kind, sweet and a good friend.  Let’s keep on having fun and being you.  Mumma and I can see it and know it’s not always easy, but you are doing great; Better than we both were doing at five.  Keep it up and know that you can always ask for a hug.  We love you!


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