Double Bugs

Kiddo and I needed to head to get some groceries the other day.  On the walk, the same path we take to school, we see millipedes, or whatever these guys are.  We saw one on top of another one walking and Kiddo was overcome with joy and sillies.  On the walk this morning, we saw some.  She insisted that I get a pic.  Grabbed a vid as well.  Don’t know if you can really see it, but double bugs.  How cool!

Also, since we’re doing cool stuff…. I got a delivery of some meat and proteins yesterday from a service we use.  They use dry ice for the boxes to ensure everything is at temp.  Well, I think I know someone who will lose all of her bananas washing her hands in a sink with some dry ice on the bottom.  She knows not to touch things, especially ice or hot.  She’s good at asking.  So, she couldn’t touch, but she could run the sink and use hands to get water on the ice.  Now she wants to see what happens if we put in boiling water.  Oh, Kiddo… It.  Is.  ON!!!!!!!  We can even do a pot of hot and a pot of cold and do some hypothesis on what will happen with each.  

As I sit and drink my coffee and reread the above, I think J is in her classroom right now, wrangling Kindergarteners and she suddenly got a teacher boner for no reason.  LOL

We found these at our run to Tops for groceries.  They are twice as bad as they sound, but oh so good, the same way Pizza Hut or Dominos is good.  It’s not, but it’s so much sugar, crap, and MSG that you don’t even care.

We did bring Poley on the adventure with us.  That’s another reason I needed to get pics and a vid of the bugs today.  “Dada, we NEED to show Poley.  He is studying to be a bug expert.  He will need to see these bugs to expert this.”  Well, if it’s for science…. Oh course.  And then she was sad that Poley couldn’t come to school with her.  Then, we saw a Tuk and she remembered the ride with Poley and that was happy and fun.  Isn’t she cute on the Tuk, holding Poley and just sitting and watching the world go by and chatting me up.  If you get a chance to ride a Tuk with 5 year old Lil Miss, it’s highly recommended.  

Also, since we were at the mall, how could we NOT get McDonalds for lunch.  Kiddo, then, needed to be measured.  So, enjoy her on the stairs and being measured.  What a little monkey!!!!

The weather is starting to cool and it’s raining less.  So, we are getting out and doing more little running around.  Because the effort goes down when it’s not 117 and the threat of rain.  From Saturday night until noon yesterday, we had the AC off and the weather was good enough that we didn’t really need the fans either.  Of course, today it’s forecasted to be 90 with a 50% chance of rain, but the good weather season is near and we can not wait.  Having experienced it once already, we have a feeling for how and what it will be, but more importantly, we have some framework of it so we have the knowledge of what to expect.  That also makes planning easier.  And with COVID restrictions easing a bit (still masks in public spaces), more people are here and a lot of the holidays look to be busier.  In fact, I was reading this morning that Chinese New Years in BKK with travel restrictions lifted, should have 4 times more visitors this year than last year.  As for Songkran, Thai officials (at least from what I read) are expecting up to 10 times more people here for that.  WOW!!!!

And with Christmas coming, I’ll be the one going to town and the malls to get gifts and the like.  So, I’m sure I’ll be seeing the increases and I can compare and contrast between last year and this.  The one thing I can say for fact is the days of a 25-30 minute Grab ride into town are gone.  Those trips won’t be a 90 minute to 2 hour thing.  It’s gonna be a half day.  Big cities, the pros and cons.  HA.  After a decade in Da Bay, though, and the bright side is that transit is affordable and available and so I don’t need a car or that stress.  Me, a book, and the train.  It might take a while, but it beats having my blood pressure hit one million over two hundred K driving in traffic, I can say that much.  

Let’s go, Kiddo…. COVID may not kill us, now we just need to hope that the 5 people who can end this world arguing over a little island or chuck of land don’t press the big bad button.  <sigh>. We love you and are so proud that you are reading and writing, in both Thai and English.  You are amazing.  Stay amazing. 


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