Illnesses and temperatures
It was a slow weekend that saw Kiddo get pounded by allergies/chest cold and J being on the backend of food poisoning. That made for a stay in weekend and lots of just resting and hanging out. Kiddo played and then would run out of energy and just chill and J was still rebounding from Thursday, so we all just took it easy.
Kiddo, for her part, took a 2.5 hour nap. She was just a miserable ball of sneezing and not feeling great. The nap started on the floor. J was chilling and just sitting and relaxing after her lunch, but Kiddo wasn’t really hungry so we didn’t push it. We told her she could go to lay down if she was tired and wanted to sleep. She told us that she wanted to be near Mumma and Dada and just rest. Well, as you can see, that turned into a little bundle of sleep.
I can’t be mad about it, because I get it. When I was a kid, I was often yelled at when I was sick for laying under the dinning room table and napping when I was sick. It was dark, under there and with blankets, rather cozy. It was, as I recall, comforting as well. I could hear the house. I still felt part of the goings on, but I could rest and just drift to sleep. Kiddo seemed to want the same and so we just left her and walked over and around her as needed for a little bit. After that, we scooped her up and put her in bed to sleep for a bit. As you can see, she was out!
Credit to her and I don’t know if she got that from me or J, but she was a trooper when she’s sick. She always has been. Even when she got the cut on her head and needed to go to the ER to get that patched, she was brave and didn’t scream or cry. Same when she got C-Diff before moving to BKK. The medication for that is terrible. I mean, TERRIBLE! And she took it all and without fuss. She complained and hated the taste, but she took it. She had her moments and we tried our best to make her day comfortable. She got some good sleep and woke feeling and sounding much better.
Smiling sick girl |
Rooftop Jammies and Pork Chop Piggy |
I did reach out to an allergist here so we can explore options to help take care of some of this for Kiddo, so we are hoping that will help. Seems like Februaryish in BKK she always gets whacked with sneezing fits. And with the agriculture burn that is coming soon (Thailand still uses slash and burn as an agricultural method) it is only going to get worse and we certainly do not want our lil love to have to suffer more than needed.
On top of that, Kiddo was up late because of the nap and sneezing/congestion. She popped out at 10pm as I was setting myself up to geek for a bit. Then again at 10:45pm just because. I finally got her set up and comfortable and got her pillows and blankets just right and saw some real yawns and droops in her eyes. 7am came early for her and she was a little tired and not wanting to wake. That will probably mean a good sleep tonight. Silver linings and all.
Waking and seeing Kiddo much better and not as sneezing and miserable, I got her set up with breakfast and I had coffee and some cereal. Heading out to school and it was chilly. Chilly enough that Kiddo wanted her sweatshirt to wear. I thought that it was perfect, but I also grew up in Wisconsin, so I still (somewhere deep in my brain) remember winter and cold and below zero temps, so a 19 degree day (that’s 65/66 for my Fahrenheit crowd) felt great. It’s 28 currently (at 15:15h ((3:15pm)) and that’s 82 for the Fahrenheit crowd) and today has been gorgeous. I’ve had the condo open all day, since we keep it at 27ish most days in the summer and 26ish most days into the winter. See, when it’s 33 (91.5F) waking and highs are above 38 (100F) with most days being in the 40s (over 105F), we found that our energy bill is a lot lower and we don’t need to condo chilly, we just need it to be NOT hot and humid. 27/28 degrees will certainly do that on a 45 degree day (keep the condo at 80F on 110+F days) and in the winter, temps are down, but air quality and humidity and other factors come into play and so we knock the temp down a degree, but that’s just us. We know others in the building that keep their AC at 22/23 year round regardless. We do not need it that cold! Just comfortable. Besides that, we have fans.
Celsius |
Fahrenheit |
The weather today and forecast for the week looks awesome, until the weekend, when we might have some rain and temps will bump back up to the 29/30 mornings and highs near 35. Honestly, I love it and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
A few notes and housekeeping here, so please keep reading, especially if your name is JY.
As a treat and to try to rouse Kiddo from what we thought was just a morning slump and light allergies, J engaged Kiddo at breakfast yesterday. We didn’t have pancake mix (D’oh!), but we did have bread, milk, eggs, and OJ. Also cinnamon. (Next time you make French toast, add a splash of OJ. It'll sweeten and brighten it. Seriously, like 1/6th cup per 2 eggs. Oh, and thanks for the tip, Bena!) So, French toast it was. And I picked up a dragonfruit a few days earlier at the market, so J cubed that as well. I gotta give her props! This is a wonderful looking breakfast.
I had a followup on Thursday for my knee. Three months since I twisted and injured it. Doc says it’s fine, but a meniscus strain can linger, so I can do yoga. I can work out and walk and run. I can shoot hoops. However, I shouldn’t do contact or anything like that without a brace and support for the knee. That would cost a bit here and we all remember (at least my constant readers do) the fun and not at all stress and hair pulling fun on getting my wrist brace, so my competitive contact days are done. I’m 45. I’m not making Jordan/Tiger/Tom Brady money to want to make my knees and ankles look like RoboCop just to play a game of pick up hoops. So, I’ll pop in occasionally and shoot around or I’ll head to Decathlon and shoot around with Tony or some of the guys, but the bangin’ and bumpin’ and quick movements and all that could cause significant injury. Maybe it’s time to take up golf. LOL
Last note and speaking of golf… A very happy 40th to my good friend JY. IDK if you read this, my friend, but if you do; Here’s to 40 years. I can only hope you break par and drive it straight and true. All the best to you, on your day, and here’s a celebration to you. Even if it is just a passing line in a (mostly) unread blog floating around the internet.
Let’s go, Kiddo…. It’s Monday and all is better and looking fine. Another week of fun and then a weekend of even funner! We love you!