The Adventures of Weeping Beauty
Being 6 is hard.
There’s a lot to take in.
You grow, change, understand more complex ideas and thoughts.
There’s SO much to learn. 5 days a week and 8 hours a day. That’s a lot for a little person to take in.
Then, you get your first loose tooth.
Right lower front tooth.
The world will end!!!
I get it. Trust me… I get it. I’m the poster boy for dental work. Heck, I had a root canal over the summer whilst traveling in Vietnam. I can tell you about teeth and mouth pain.
Kiddo however…. Sigh!
Last night, J and I were enjoying a beer I found here. It’s an IPA and local brewed. It’s decent. Not great. Not amazing. Decent. Certainly it does the job to scratch the itch. Anyways, we were using Google Translate to read the printing on the can and trying to enjoy making the driving of the vehicle sweeter, but someone who shall remain unnamed couldn’t even sleep. At least we had the benefit of having a laugh at the can and the translation. Also, the top warning is: Persons purchasing this beverage should be 20 years. Not consuming, mind you; Purchasing. Also, wives under 20 shouldn't enjoy. I'll just leave that there.
Her tooth felt weird. And it hurt a little. Not hurt, but hurting. Like it feels weird and I don’t even like it and I CAN’T SLEEEEEEEEEPPPPP!!!!!
After an hour of that, we finally got her settled and chilled out.
I’ve already written about that this week, how Kiddo goes to bed and just melts. We are working on it, but I think the text from J this morning summed it up.
Parenting is ridiculously hard.
The Kiddo meltdown restarted first thing. I normally get up around 06:30 M-F, but at about 0600 today, I was awoken by a cry. Kiddo still was freaking out about her tooth. She couldn’t even eat cereal because every time she chewed her tooth moved and she didn’t like it. So, that was how my day started and why I get the message from J.
Plus, with the summer coming, the move coming, traveling this summer, etc, there’s a lot on a little mind at night. So, we get nights with Weeping Beauty melting down when all we are trying to do is unplug ourselves, catch up with each other, and adult for 5 minutes before bed and starting it all again. It will pass, we know that, but in the now… I’m reminded of a time when Kiddo was about 6m and wouldn’t sleep, but wouldn’t feed and would just howl from like 0100-0400 or so. More than once I thought; That’s it! Enough. She’s gonna learn to fly. To the balcony and FLING!
Obviously we never flung her off the balcony. Some of us, however, are on the fence about that now. LOL
The good news is that Kiddo is really growing and learning so fast. In the past, she’d play games and apps on the iPad with her breakfast. J and I looked into educational apps and games and spent on some of them for her. Then, we got her Epic and she had a read along/read aloud thing she could listen to with breakfast. Recently, she’s been listening to Rebel Girls in the morning and she’ll listen and casually watch me game in the mornings.
I’ve been on a Civ6 kick, so that very slow moving. Puzzle building type stuff. I can have coffee and make a few moves. I do play on huge maps and a one of the slower speeds. So, there’s a lot of moving parts to manage and I like having coffee and waking up and building that world. As I do this, I’ll catch Kiddo watching as she listens to her stories or books. Sometimes she’ll poke me with a question or comment, but she just casually watches mostly. Then, around 07:25, we start moving to get ready and get to school.
Today, though, I was starting up my game, having a sip of coffee, trying to get food into Kiddo since cereal hurt and a banana made it worse. She couldn’t seem to figure out how to move the food to the side to chew. Again, Weeping Beauty just needed her meltdown. However, as I’m doing all of this, I go to check in with J as she was getting ready and game plan some and I was walking out of the room and I told Kiddo she could turn up the iPad and I’d be back in 5 minutes to “finish my coffee and do my game for 15 minutes before we get ready.” She wasn’t listening to anything. She was reading. To herself. A Grade 3 book, according to the app.
KIDDO!!!! Wow! Reading to yourself. That is AWESOME.
So, for all the melting and hard parenting work, we have a little person who reads to herself for leisure now. Also, I didn’t start the app or search what she was reading. I handed her the iPad. She got into the app and searched the book she wanted to read. That means she’s typing a bit as well. I, certainly, couldn’t type at 6. So, there is some good.
J has a thing tonight for work, so I’m solo until about 21:30-22:00, maybe later. Wish me luck and if you hear a FLING, you will know what it means. :D :D :D
Let’s go, Kiddo… It’s been a long and hard week, but hopefully the weekend will help you chill and the tooth pops out quick so we can get past this and learn that a loose tooth isn’t the end of the world. Doesn’t help that all the kids in your class have already lost a tooth and so they fill your head with horror stories (it bleeds, sometimes you have to pull it out yourself, you can swallow it, etc) but Mumma and Dada got your back. You will survive a wiggly tooth, trust us. We love you.