Catching up with Kiddo

So much of the last two weeks of my life has been busy.  Between the package and efforts there, the night out and dinner at Baan Tepa with J for our anniversary, and some side projects uncovering all the nefarious things that were hidden from me my whole life up until I discovered them… It’s been busy with a lot of little things going on.

In that, I’ve not really posted much about the inner workings of Kiddo and life here recently.  I’ve posted, sure, but not really a Kiddocentric post in a while.

And while I’m on a Kiddocentric ramble, some people wonder why she’s Kiddo and not *NAME REDACTED*.  Because, she can decide what she wants shared about her as she gets older, she doesn’t need me muddying the waters.  She has such a unique name that shouldn't be that hard to google search and in 10 or 20 years, she’s going to apply to a school or for a job and I don’t need or want my thoughts and this blog (and any opinions therein) to colour her or her prospects.  She can build that for herself in the years to come.  Therefore, she’s Kiddo here and on the social media sites.  That way, she doesn’t pop up in searches in a decade and get attached to me or us or our thoughts and views and political leanings.  It’s for her protection.  A little internet 101 for y’all.

Kiddo is having her experiences as well.  For starters, the day J and I went to Baan Tepa, Kiddo did an overnight with Nanny Beer, where Beer came and stayed at our place with Kiddo.  They had an adventure of their own.  


I, myself, am absolutely terrified of snakes.  Freeze up and panic.  Heart rate spikes.  I’ve met people in public with pet snakes and either froze up or bolted.  Our lil love, however, is fearless and bold.

Yeah, touching a snake.  Kiddo touched a real snake.  We’re still hearing about it and Kiddo and I did “Dada snake practice” with her stuffed snake friends this week so I wouldn’t be so scared.  I practiced, but still scared.  I was told, “Still too scared, Dada.  Guess next Serpentarium trip will just be Kiddo and Mumma.”

In other cool Kiddo experiences, she LOVES juice.  She used to sit on my shoulders and watch Juice Lady from the market make juice.  My core isn’t strong enough to hoist a 5 year old on my shoulders and she’s getting big, so no more shoulder rides to juice.  She did go with Beer and get market food and juice for lunch yesterday… And got to MAKE her own juice with Juice Lady.  Beer tells us that Juice Lady says that if Kiddo comes and it’s not busy, she can continue to make her own juices.  How cool to be in a market in Thailand and to be such a part of the community that she’s allowed to go behind the stalls in the market and be a part of that?  Also, how bold and brave of her.

She’s market famous.  Beer has been a big part of that, exploring the market and taking Kiddo with her and talking with the people of the market.  The Market vendors were probably curious as well.  Who are these white folks who seem to be here daily?  Why’s the girl always got a stuffed toy?  Who is she?  What are they talking about?  Etc etc.  

To go with that, she’s also neighborhood famous as well.  The Tuk drivers and riders all know her.  Kiddo and Beer took a Tuk to the mall or from the mall or something last week.  Beer got too talking with people on the Tuk and they ALL know her.  The passengers told Beer that they all know Kiddo and talk about what stuffed friend she’ll have with her, how her hair will be, her comfort and boldness to just jump on the Tuk and go.  The ones that know some English also pick up little things she says and talks about or questions and they just adore it.  

So much so, that last week, I was on an errand.  J and Kiddo had a Mumma and Kiddo dinner and they ended up at the mall.  So did I.  We didn’t meet up, but I completed my tasks and jumped in a Tuk to get home.  The Tuk was half full, but it did have four boys of High School age sitting in the Tuk.  The driver got out, came around to where I was sitting and said something to me that ended in Bay-Beeeee!  And then the Tuk driver (a good natured middle aged Thai woman) laughed.  So did the other two woman passengers and the boys.  I smiled and “I don’t know.”  One of the boys said to me…

“English…. Good.” And gave me a thumbs up.

So, I told him his English is really good and he told me the driver told me I couldn’t ride without the Baby.

Oh.  HAHA.  OK.  Well, Baby is at mall with Mommy.  Or they just left.  Maybe still here.

The boy and driver had a brief exchange and the driver went back to the cab and started the Tuk.  

“She said we leave now and she will hurry back here to drive Mommy and Baby.”

Market and Tuk famous.  That’s our Kiddo!

Plus, we’ve started a little garden.  Kiddo got to go see BASIS a month or so ago.  Part of that was that she was given a little pot with some seeds.  She planted the seed and they sprouted.  She really realllllllly wanted to see them grow.  So, we spent $10 (~300THB) on some planters and soil.  The seeds are happy and I threw together a small trestle they could start to climb.  I’m going tomorrow to get some more little things for it, but we’ll have a small indoor garden.  We also added some seeds from chilis we got from the market, some pepper seeds from the market, and two lettuces.  Let’s see what comes of it, but Kiddo is really good about helping me water them, checking the soil, even opening the door on nice days so they can get outside air and not just AC air, plus…. Well, the birds that land on our balcony probably want to know about the new garden and want to talk to the new plants.  Her imagination and the way she gives personality to everything in her world; it’s amazing and so much fun.

Like getting an afternoon coffee for Dada.  Ratchet and Poley both needed to come on separate days and both needed to drink all my coffee and then go crazy with energy jumping around and then being energy home.  Yup, that’s how she put it.  Being energy home.  Kiddo also needed her sip as well.  Yeah, she loves coffee too.  Whenever I refill the hopper on the grinder, she wants a bean to “munch on.”  When I get coffee she needs to be the taste tester for it.

Speaking of taste tests… She’s been into cooking recently as well.  Last night, J was on errands and it was Kiddo and Dada dinner.  Salad, so she needed to taste test the radishes, cucs, carrots, bell peppers (who’s seeds we planted) and then help with the pork.  I got a loin and needed to butcher it down.  Kiddo even helped touch and press the raw pork so it would cook evenly.  Then, in the cooking, she helped butter the pan, turn it on and watch the butter melt…

Look, Dada, it’s all wet now.  Is that butter sweating?

Well, melting.  But, that’s kinda like sweating for butter.

I wish I sweat butter, Dada.  I could just lick myself then… or rub corn from corn guy on me and <lip smacking sounds> YUM!

She also helped peal and chop garlic for dressing.  Then, for the main event, she got to help me flip the pork as it cooked.  Sorry no pics, I was juggling dinner and Kiddo while managing a hot stove and sharp things, plus table setting and cooking rice, pork, and doing salad and bread slicing.  Her sous cheffing for me is also one of my favorite things.  She’s so curious.  So brave.  So willing to ask and share her thoughts, like wondering if butter was sweating.  Why do we wash hands good after touching raw things like meat, but not raw things like vegetables?  We can eat chicken and pigs, but can we eat snakes?  She’s just a wonder.

Also, Kirkland Brand... Who knew!!!

Before I go….

Uvalde.  The current line out of TX is that it’s all part of God’s plan.

About sums it up.  Because, to quote Depeche Mode-

I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumors, but I think that God’s got a sick sense of humor and when I die I expect to find him laughing…

God’s plan is to kill 19 innocent people, mostly children?  You can keep that god, we don’t need or want it.

And still no honest and open convo about gun reform and stronger laws and regulations;

You can’t tell a kid to wear a mask to school cuz MAH FREEDUMBZ, but 19 dead kids…. Nothing to see here.  America really really needs to get rid of the MuriKKKanz and get back to being a democracy.


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