Defining the definition
I’ve gotten a couple messages and comments recently about my comments and writings on MuriKKKa and MuriKKKans. With all apologies to Jeff Foxwood or Foxham or whatever it was….
You MIGHT be a MuriKKKan if-
- You wear a red hat and still believe Trump actually won.
- You see no problem with SCOTUS Justice “Beer” Kavanaugh or Amy Cultist Barrenthoughts
- You vote for a candidate not for policy or history, but to “own the libz”
- You blame Joe Bidden for gas prices and inflation
- You think that prayer in school must AUTOMATICALLY mean Christian prayer only
- You can’t be told to wear a mask or get a vax, but see no problem in telling women what to do with their bodies
- Screamed about the “Caravan” just before the 2018 midterms only to conveniently forgetting about it the next day
- Think woman wouldn’t need abortions if they “weren’t sluts”
- Think that LGBTQI+ is a silly bunch of made up letters and say things like, “My pronoun is patriot”
- You hand wave the J6 hearing and call every protest by Dems, Leftists, Pro-Choice, Pro-LGBTQI+, Liberal movements in general “an insurrection”
- Put guns in the hand of all family members for your Giftmas cards
- Say things like, “You can have my gun when you take it from my cold dead hand”
- Wonder why we have “all that separation of church and state junk”
- Think that People of Color are “taking over” just because they can vote
- Refuse to have open conversations about gun control
- Find “Rollin’ Coal” funny
- You have no problem with the 187 members of Congress and the Senate who signed an open letter opposing a legal and fair election
- Voted for and plan to vote again for any of the above
- You can’t wait to get Congress back so you can impeach Biden to “make things even” and “show the Libz what it feels like”
- You call socialism bad without truly understanding it
- Ignore the obvious obstructionist attitude of the GOP while blaming the Dems and current administration after those obstructions
- Call J6 a “peaceful protest” even after the gallows were erected and calls to Hang Mike Pence were circulating only to call it a “witch hunt” against Trump since it was all Antifa while refusing to investigate
- Think that there’s nothing wrong with the tax code as it stands today
- Watch Fox News
- Think that police don’t need reform and call those who do want reforms “criminals”, “commies”, or “lawless sociopaths”
- Are against student loan forgiveness because you “Paid your own way” 40-50 years ago
- Have a Don’t Tread on Me, Blue Lives, or Trump Flag… doubly so if displayed on your lifted truck
- Think Covid is a “hoax” because you “did your own research”
- Vote against and protest against progress because it means POC will get a little more
Seriously, I could probably go on for another page.
I hope this gives you all a better sense what I mean by MuriKKKa.
Because I (and we) have friends there. But we won’t tolerate people who look backwards at 1950 and wish for it instead of wanting to progress into a future that includes change and inclusion of all people, colors, lifestyles, pronouns, life partners, religions, creeds, and healthcare choices.
Doc J and Mr E own a place. Have jobs. Have lives. Fight from the inside for change. LaLa also fights from the inside, with her family and life in the Milwaukee Area, Jesters has a business and house and life there on top of expecting, Schmittah has family and a job and a life in a field that might not translate outside of America. We know people.
We have a lot of others who I could name as well. They are Americans. I hope they stay safe. Because MuriKKKa is looking bleak. Maybe the tide is turning. Maybe J6 is chipping away and pulling some of those in the red out and a blue wave is coming. We hope so. Very much we do hope for it, because if J6 doesn’t result in institutional change and some very highly placed people (even those elected) ending up in handcuffs and jail for their crimes we can't see how Democracy can live and fascism doesn't take hold and become the rule of law.
MuriKKKa, in short, is the Nazification of America. The rule of minority. The rule of religion. The Fascist, white is right, Christian nationalism and white nationalism as a rule. If you want restriction of freedoms for women, POC, LGBTQI+ people, etc… You are MuriKKKan.
In short, if you aren’t scared for America right now, if you aren’t upset at the recent SCOTUS decisions, if you don’t vote Trump but see nothing wrong with voting Republican down ticket without a single thought of why this is just as bad, if you single issue vote because 2A or MAH FREEDUMBZ or ‘BorShun iz Murder! If you vote because your church or pastor told you who to vote for. If you can’t see thru the grift and poison that is the modern (1970-current) GOP….
And, if reading the above list you don’t want to read this blog any longer- Well, we can’t stop that and goodbye to you.
If you read the above and see the clarity and distinctions we make between America and MuriKKKa, well then, read on knowing we hope that America doesn’t become MuriKKKa much like I’m sure a ton of people in Germany in 1933 didn’t want Nazism, but it happened anyway. Some of those people fought from the inside, some fled, some tolerated it… We leaned into fleeing, for the good of ourselves and Kiddo. Obviously, with my thoughts and outspokenness, I’d be one of the first on the train to whatever camp they set up in the West (if you don’t think that’s possible, I direct you to Internment Camps in America WWII (executive order 9066), Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Changi camp, etc) so we fled. We hope those reading this are fighters and can fight from the inside. If not, we offer help and an anchor in every and any way you need when it’s time for you to flee. And if you need to just tolerate it, endure it… We feel sorry for you and know, truly know, we see you are trapped in MuriKKKa, not as a MuriKKKan.
Hope this clarifies things and that you all are well and safe. Know we are here for you… in any and every way you need and that we can help. Know we don’t blame you. Know that we sympathize with you. Here’s hoping that it doesn’t come to that.