It's my day all because of her

Waking today, I was greeted by the best lil love who wanted to wish Dada a Happy Father’s Day.  It was vert sweet and very cute.  But then, Kiddo is like that.  Just sweet and cute and love.

Kiddo is too much sometimes.  Her whole self is just so much.  She wears her emotions on her sleeve and that can be a challenge at times, if she’s frustrated or sad or just wants something and is needy.  Other times, it’s great, because she is so warm and open and loving.  Last night, after shower, she didn't want to comb and brush her hair.  Tears.  Laying on the floor.  So so so many feelings.  Five minutes later, it was smiles and cuddling and love.  Because she couldn't brush her hair in her room, it was too lonely, after the fact though, everyone got brushed.  Dada's arm fur, Poley, BattieCup, even Ellie the Elephant (and boy, did HE need a brushing.  That Elephant hair is soooo tangled) got brushed.  The joys of 5... for all parties.  LOL

Her at a little park getting rolly polly bugs and just being IN that moment.  Loving bugs and dirt and just being a kid.  She has always been like that, even in CA.  During Covid lockdowns, we spent a lot of time at the Mission looking for rollies.  Why not continue that here in BKK.  Bugs for one and all.  HAHA. Besides, when you have a shovel and magnifying glass what else are you supposed to do if not hunt for bugs and make them a new home?  

Or, helping me do cooking.  Touching raw meat.  Knowing to wash her hands really good afterwords.  Helping to flip the meat in the pan.  These are just little things, but it means so much…. To her and myself.  It’s a bond we have.  I cook.  I love to cook.  I missed my calling 25 years ago.  If I could have found a kitchen and passion to cook then, who knows what and where life would be.  But I can’t change that.  I can only enjoy the time I have now to cook and create and just be in that space.  Kiddo is picking up on that and learning and wanting to help.  It’s so much fun.

Even the world she lives in.  Last week, it was Nature Soup restaurant.  This week it was Dr Fix It Up.  Her imagination and play is great.  And the back of the sign just says CLOSED so the friends will know Dr Fix It Up is closed and that means getting an ambulance (Kiddo going Whhheeeeeee-ooooowwwwwww, whhhhhheeeeeeee-oooowwwwwwww) and running around to get the friend that’s sick or injured and doing field medic stuff to them.  Mixed Up Milkshake had that the other day.  Kiddo needed to get a basket and fashion a body cast out of that for Mixed Up Milkshake since she couldn’t doctor or surgery him since the doctor was closed.  We checked the sign twice to make sure.  Thankfully, Mixed Up Milkshake pulled thru.  “Wait, Dada… I think Mixed Up Milkshake has pain.  That means 2ccs of Tylenol.”  Because she’s got the lingo down!

I get Father’s Day because of her.  I’m a father because of her.  Well, sure, J and I had a part of that and all, but I’m Dada because of Kiddo.  She is my heart.  She is my love.  She is my best thing.  Kiddo, Dada loves you so much.  Thank you for being my lil love.  My Kiddo.  My cuddle bug of love.  

If any Dads are reading this, Happy Father’s day to you as well.

The street that is build built across the street from us is coming along great.

Lastly, a big thank you to J.  For this year.  Transitioning to a different culture and country and language while raising a child and teaching for a very competitive and expensive private school while still loving me and doing all you do…. Thank you!  For being my wife and Mumma to Kiddo.  For reminding me, when I am out of line, to step back, take a breathe, and apologize to Kiddo as needed.  Yesterday in the afternoon, I forgot to take my med and spun out a little a snapped at Kiddo about something small and insignificant.  J reminded me that I was out of line.  I made sure to apologize to Kiddo for that and explain that I was wrong and I should be better and asking Kiddo for not only forgiveness, but also to help remind me to take my pills so I don’t have frustrations like that.  “It’s ok Dada.  We’re still friends.  You’re still the Best Dada.  I think, though, that you should ask Siri to help reminder you for pills.  She’s good at that….. Dada, I have a question.  Why is your Siri a girl Siri and Mumma Siri is a boy Siri?”  And there she is, back to being my lil love and knowing she can question the world with J and I because she’s curious about it and wants to learn and know.

It’s Father’s Day… and J and Kiddo make me the best father I can be.  Thank you both and I love you both.  

Let’s go, Kiddo… to whatever game, play, or adventure strikes our fancy today.


Quickly, yesterday Kiddo and I headed to the mall to go to Tops to get a few things for dinner.  We got a Tuk over.  Kiddo got the usual looks and waves and even some of the woman on the Tuk offered her a hand to help her up.  It takes a village, right.  But, we get to the mall and are walking thru it to Tops.  We have to walk past a busier area with a lot of restaurants and those places have seating in the mall area so you can walk past the "patio" of the eatery.  Makes sense... You can see the food and they hope to tempt you in, but also, those eating can see the mall and the people and not feel closed off from it.  However, Kiddo and I were holding hands and walking at kid pace and just talking when four ladies at an eatery suddenly perked up.  I heard an excited babble of words and talking in Thai, but then I heard, Tuk... Tuk!  They all excitedly looked and waved.  Tuk Tuk Bay-Beeee!  Hello you.  Tuk Tuk!


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