Bumping the guard

Today was the first day that we’ve done school without tears.  I’d call that a win.  Kiddo is getting into the routine of things and so am I.  We can have our morning, get ready, and then head out.  The first week and a half we’ve needed to spend an extra five minutes or so to get the cries and anxieties out, but today, we just had the day with an extra five minutes to joke around and have a little bit of Kiddo fun.

I have my own little routine outside of Kiddo, as well.

Each morning, as we walk up to the gate where I walk Kiddo in, there is a guard that helps direct and flow traffic.  He always gives us a good morning and wishes me a good day.  I’ve been thanking him and giving him a Shaka (hang ten) hand sign as leaving.  For some reason, on Monday in the rain, as I was leaving, I held out a fist for a bump.  The first two days was a little stilted.  Today, he was waiting and looking forward to it, giving me the Shaka back.  Pretty cool and a little connection and fun with a guard each morning is just one of those things that makes the day start off right and to put a smile on two faces.  This dude, you can see, likes seeing Kiddo and me approaching and is always as chatty as he can be, but he’s also super encouraging too Kiddo.  When she Sawadees him or gives a wave, he’s supportive and always says, Hello or Good job to her. 

The fact that people are nice too Kiddo amazes me.  Because, I’d fear Choco-Beard.  Scourge of chocolate.  Conquerer of ice cream.

She is SUCH a ham.  And the award for best chocolate covered face in a pre-shower leading roll goes too…. KIDDO!  HAHAHA

Outside of that, we are adjusting to the newness of it.  Some evening tears as dinner pushes back and Kiddo is taking more time in the evening to fill us in on her day’s highlights, but the yawns and tireds are such that she’s just over it and her emotions are just right up front.  We’ve talked about pushing bedtime back 15-30 minutes, but she wouldn’t make it anyways.

So, we adjust and roll with it.  It will settle, it always does, but some days, man.  Some days….!!!!

Lastly, who needs actual representative Democracy????  All of us liberals with our crazy ideas.  How would America be different today if that had been in place since 1980?  1992?  2000?  2016???  Just sayin’!

Let’s go, Kiddo…. You’ve gotta get to school and then I’ve got a 2km walk in the morning heat to get you a swimsuit, waterproof bag, goggles, and sandals for your swimming class in PE that starts next week.  And I love you and have a good day. 


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